Blood and Suvudu

Getting a little nervous as ComicCon and the completion of The Desert Spear loom. With any luck, I will finish TDS just before I head out to the con. When I look back at what I’ve written over the last two years, I am very pleased, but there is still that nagging fear and doubt that no one will like The Desert Spear, as it is a very different book from The Warded Man/The Painted Man.

I think when TDS is done I am going to take a month off before starting The Daylight War, and catch up on all the other things in my life that have been piling up, like logging tax receipts and working on the website. I still have a lot of Excisions still to post, including a good one from the earliest draft of the book that I had forgotten all about, and I owe some Peephole readers my third Writing to Sell installment, and some posts about outlining. I might also write another short story about Arlen during his Messenger days.

ComicCon promises to be somewhat surreal. As a lifelong wallflower nerd who would always linger by the potato chips at parties looking uncomfortable and afraid to talk to anyone, it will be weird to be so on display, with thousands of people wearing badges with my name on them as I appear on stage and at signings. I hope my nerves can take it.

After that is the US Warded Man launch on March 10. I’ve been waiting almost two years for that day to come. I am fit to burst with nail-biting excitement. Will it flop? Will it be a bestseller? Will it midlist and torpedo my career, or will the buzz from overseas carry despite the name change? Who knows.

There are some things that give me heart, though, and one is good reviews, like this spectacular one Paul Stotts wrote on his blog, Blood of the Muse. Tremendous!

Also, over at Del Rey megablog Suvudu, they have a running series called Five Questions, wherein they have SF authors ranging from big names like me to nobodies like Terry Brooks (wait… scratch that; reverse it) come on to answer, you guessed it, five questions. You can see my interview in the series here.

Posted on January 30, 2009 at 12:58 am by PeatB
Filed under Interviews, Reviews, Writing

2 responses to “Blood and Suvudu”

  1. Ye that was an awesome review, the best yet I’ve read of TWM! That’s the kind of review that every bookshop, website and library should have ready – compliments the book like nothing else I’ve read, and besides that, Paul is such a great guy, too. 🙂

    ComicCon is going to be insane, Peat! 🙂

    Posted by Dave, on January 30th, 2009 at 5:52 am
  2. I’m looking forward to the US release too. When I’m bored I go on Amazon and read new reviews for my favourite books (sad, I know). So in March I can read Warded Man reviews on, yay!

    Posted by Chantal, on January 30th, 2009 at 7:22 pm