O Cursed Stucco

I hate stucco. Seriously. It is ugly and impossible to work with.

Day 3 Progress 1:

Day 3 Progress 2:

Posted on October 3, 2009 at 10:43 pm by PeatB
Filed under Hobbit-hole, Life, Musings
1 Comment »

One response to “O Cursed Stucco”

  1. I kind of like the rorschach inkblots on you ceiling. If you pass out before you have repainted the place, you can get some new insight into your psyche. Who knows what you’ll find.
    I would say congratulations on your new acquisition, but it looks like the responsibilities of being a new homeowner (or at least office owner) has laid waste to your physical appearance. You look like hell. Get some sleep.
    This is your Jewish mother-in-law, and though I know you just love chicken soup, we don’t want you getting sick. And Jinx doesn’t really want to share the chicken.
    Seriously, congratulations on the new space. May creativity and joy abound. I know it will look beautiful and well done when you are finished with your remodelling. Have fun.
    Much love, Joan

    Posted by mother-in-law, on October 4th, 2009 at 7:36 pm