This Old Studio

I haven’t been doing a lot of these “Hobbit-hole” updates lately, but don’t let that fool ya. I’ve been working round the clock for the last 2 weeks to get the new office studio up and running, and keeping the video diary. The only reason I haven’t been posting them is that I’ve been too exhausted each night when I call it quits. Here are some updates from the past week:

I’d like to thank all the people who came to help me: Darragh, Joshua, Jay, my dad, and most of all Myke who took days off work and drove up from DC to help, hanging through a 14 hour day of painting and two more days of back-breaking labor.

The most wonderful thing is that I didn’t actually ask anyone for help. I felt that would be too much to ask of people, and was prepared to do it all myself. Everyone listed above just heard I closed on the place and was working and volunteered to come help. That’s love.

Posted on October 13, 2009 at 6:36 pm by PeatB
Filed under Hobbit-hole, Interviews, Life
1 Comment »

One response to “This Old Studio”

  1. Bah. My great pleasure. The alternative would have been WORK, which sucks, unless you’re a professional writer.

    Posted by Myke, on October 14th, 2009 at 6:28 pm