Der große Basar

In addition to the t-shirts I mentioned in the last post, the Messenger today brought another something very special, my sample copies of Der große Basar, the German translation/extended edition of The Great Bazaar. Der große Basar isn’t just a translation of the US edition, though. It really is unique. In addition to another beautiful […]

Filed under: Craft, Events, Excisions, Germany, Great Bazaar, Interviews, Messenger, Pimpage, Sales, Warded Art, Writing by PeatB

Portuguese T-Shirts

Some fun stuff in the mail today, starting with these kickass O Homem Pintado T-shirts from Edições Gailivro, my Portugese publisher: If you flip the shirt up over your head, you turn into a demon!

Filed under: Fan Art, Messenger, Portugal by PeatB