Grass Plains Demons

Posted by Meg

New entry from CT with a terrifying new breed of demon.

Perry, Brant and Dawn were on a mission! Travel as far as they could. Their hope, to find a place free from Corelings, or perhaps to contact a new people and discover new wards.

They were explorers at heart. The journey and the discovery is what truly drove them onwards. Nights were hard; they had there battle wards but mostly opted for sleep if it would come. This night, they had entered a new land. None of them had heard of its existence before now.

Tall yellow grass reached for as far as the eye could see. The travel in the daytime was hard as the grass fought them every inch of the way. Exhausted, they set up camp and got their travel wards ready.

“Make sure you make it far back enough so that the grass doesn’t bend and cover our wards,” said Dawn. “And make sure you burn it so we don’t get trapped by fire demons!”

Perry snickered and Brant offered her his warded blade, “You wanna giv er a go then, Dawn”?

Dawn let out a bark, “Ha! You stick to what you be good at, I’ll get to the real work round here.”

“OK, we are all set,” said Perry. “Nothings getting in here tonight. You want to hunt a few tonight, Brant?”

Brant eyed his warded weapons and they called to him. “Aye,” said Brant. “Why not?”

“Fools,” said Dawn. “You can’t fight in the grass.”

“Na, it’s ok Dawn, Perry and I just want a few. We’ll stay close, besides I am exhausted and could use the boost”.

Dawn couldn’t argue with that and so decided she would join them. Dusk came fast, and they had warded torches lined around to help them see.

“Hey Dawn,” said Perry. “Which one uh us you goin to marry when we get rich or free?”

Dawn laughed. It always the same question as the sun went down, and she always gave the same answer.

“You’re both too ugly to marry one of my warts, now lets get us some core!”

Dusk left and night came…and they waited…and waited.

“The hell,” said Brant. “Did we do it? Have we out walked the corelings?”

“Don’t be foolish,” whispered Dawn. “It’s a trick!”

Still they waited but nothing came. Brant let out a great bellow of a laugh and taunted the night air around him. He entered the tall grass that came up about waist high and ran through it.

Dawn gasped and Perry cursed. “Shit what the hell you doing Brant?”

“Come on there’s nothing around!”

Cautious Perry entered the grass as well.

“No!” said Dawn. “Get back here you idiots.”

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from all over. It sounded like a thousand bees, and the grass was swaying like an ocean. Brant screamed. Perry started to run towards him, but then he screamed too. Something was biting his leg! Brant and Perry both started kicking and screaming as Dawn sat there not knowing what was going on or what to do. Suddenly, she saw what looked like little people with large heads crawling all over Perry and Brant.

She ran towards them, but Perry yelled “Get in to the wards! Save yourself!”

Startled and numb, Dawn just stared as that was the last she heard of Brant or Perry. Then the rustling grass started towards her. Dawn broke from her shock and ran like hell towards the wards, towards safety. They were fast, too fast. One coreling jumped onto her back leg, teeth sinking into her flesh. Then another onto her back and her other leg. She didn’t care she just kept running and she finally crossed the barrier.

Thankfully the wards held and propelled the beasts off of her, taking her flesh with them. Crying and curled in a ball in the center of her ward circle, all she could hear were the sounds of thousands of razor sharp teeth snapping, and the sound of her wards constantly repelling thousands of corelings.

Grass Plains Demons.

Grass Plains Demons are small (1ft high). They are shaped like humans but have extra large heads. The heads are large to contain there very large sharp teeth. They have almost no eyes and are relatively smart. They also have no stomachs but enjoy the taste of human flesh none the less. They have little armor but nothing too tough. They are pale green mustard yellow in colour.

These Demons stay in the grass lands because other demons enjoy eating them. They once tried to run with the Coreling hordes, but inevitably they would almost all perish to their own kind. In time, they found their safety in the grass lands and have been multiplying ever since. All other corelings now avoid these areas because they get overrun and destroyed within seconds of entering the grass.

One day who knows … they may leave the plains in mass. Only time will tell.

Thank you to CT for sending us that chilling story of Grass Plains Demons. Fantastic details and ending to the story. I have goosebumps!

Posted on May 26, 2012 at 8:00 am by megelizabeth
Filed under Contests, Create a Coreling, Daylight War, Desert Spear, Fan Art, Fans, Meg, Warded Man

3 responses to “Grass Plains Demons”

  1. cool story well done !!

    Posted by danny tomey, on May 26th, 2012 at 11:49 am
  2. Now you’ve ruined tall grass for me. THANKS.

    Posted by Tiberius, on May 26th, 2012 at 12:18 pm
  3. Creepy yet awesome!!! Good work.

    Posted by Teresa, on June 1st, 2012 at 4:11 pm