NYCC 2013 – Thursday

New York Comic Con officially started on Thursday. I didn’t have any panels or signings, but made time to swing by to pick up my badge at the Random House booth, where I discovered this gorgeous poster.


I took an hour to wander the showroom floor alone, talking to vendors at their booths and gaping at the sensory overload of Comic Con. Even on Thursday, theoretically the slowest day of the con, there were large crowds and so much to see that you end up never having a good look at anything; your eye constantly leaping from one bit of awesome to another. It’s like subliminal messaging, only instead of brainwashing you to kill an ambassador, it brainwashes you to remember that people everywhere are smart, creative, and full of joy at doing what they love.

I had my eye out for Plants vs Zombies stuff for Cassie, but there was a truly surprising lack of it. Finally, nearing the exit, I found a small bit of win:

Zombie Mask for Cassie

After C went to bed, Scott Lynch and Elizabeth Bear stopped by. They were only appearing at the con on Friday, and rather than miss the chance to hang a bit, I lured them in with promises of 15 year old scotch.


Somebody invited Sam Sykes.


Myke Cole and Lauren showed up, making a quorum. Mirth began, coupled with delicious industry gossip and raw shop talk. We shredded books, argued craft, named names, and did all that other fun stuff writers do freely in private that are less than wise at a public appearance.


The scotch didn’t last long. Reinforcements were called in.


Scott got real in his pontification about… something. He was talking to Myke. (I was across the room taking the pic.)


Sam crowned himself King Pillowhead.


EBear got fierce.


And Myke kept his eye on his phone while Sam twerked at him.


All and all, a good night to kick off NYCC 2013.

Posted on October 18, 2013 at 8:00 am by PeatB
Filed under Appearances, Events, Fans, Myke, World Traveler
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