Skull Throne ARC Contest: The Battle of the Deliverers

Posted by Meg

New day, new entry to the Skull Throne ARC Contest. Today’s submission comes from Terence who wrote his very own jongleur’s ballad detailing the very last scene in The Daylight War.

The Battle of Deliverers
– by Terence Thomas

They met on a cliff
Each with seven witnesses in tow
The two men were once friends
But now they’re enemies as everyone knows
Neither would back down
They refused to follow the others plan
This led to the Battle of Deliverers
Between the Demon of the Desert and the Warded Man

The men met for Domin Sharum, two warriors is what it means
In truth it was a dance to the death
One would be the true Deliverer
As soon as the other drew his last breath
Neither would back down
They refused to follow the others plan
This led to the Battle of Deliverers
Between the Demon of the Desert and the Warded Man

The Warded Man said Ahmann Jardir must answer for his crimes
He said Jardir stole the Spear of Kaji and left him to die
The Demon of the Desert said Arlen Bales spoke the truth, but yet he denied the crime
Jardir said he violated and stole from the sacred Anoch Sun with a sigh
Neither would back down
They refused to follow the others plan
This led to the Battle of Deliverers
Between the Demon of the Desert and the Warded Man

The time for talk was done and the men faced off with spears in hand
As the fight began they both seemed more like a demon than a man
Each attack from the men’s spears was a blur
Because they moved faster than any man can
Neither would back down
They refused to follow the others plan
This led to the Battle of Deliverers
Between the Demon of the Desert and the Warded Man

Jardir engaged the battle harder
Blasting through Bales spear with a kick
As Bales recovered
Jardir stabbed him in the stomach deadly quick
Neither would back down
They refused to follow the others plan
This led to the Battle of Deliverers
Between the Demon of the Desert and the Warded Man

Surprisingly Jardir hesitated as the victory seemed in hand
Bales didn’t waste a moment striking Jardir away with the butt of his broken spear
The blood bubbled from the Warded Man’s stomach
Bales quickly healed the wound to the Demon of the Desert’s fear
Neither would back down
They refused to follow the others plan
This led to the Battle of Deliverers
Between the Demon of the Desert and the Warded Man

The fight was looking grim for the Warded Man as all he could do was defend
But once the sun set the Warded Man struck back
When Jardir next attacked Bales turned into smoke
A moment later he re-formed and stole the Spear of Kaji with a single attack
Neither would back down
They refused to follow the others plan
This led to the Battle of Deliverers
Between the Demon of the Desert and the Warded Man

Jardir vowed he’d quickly retake the spear
Then Bales did something to everyone’s surprise
He threw the Spear off the cliff
To Jardir’s eldest son Jayan’s cries
Neither would back down
They refused to follow the others plan
This led to the Battle of Deliverers
Between the Demon of the Desert and the Warded Man

The men battled hand to hand
The Demon of the Desert had the edge
They had each other by the throat
Then the Warded Man threw them both off the cliff’s ledge
Neither would back down
They refused to follow the others plan
This led to the Battle of Deliverers
Between the Demon of the Desert and the Warded Man

The battle had ended
The would be Deliverers were gone
But friends just remember the Warded Man can turn to smoke
So don’t be surprised to find him covered in demon ichor come some dawn
Neither would back down
They refused to follow the others plan
This led to the Battle of Deliverers
Between the Demon of the Desert and the Warded Man

Awesome job, Terence, describing one of the most dramatic scenes in the series. Great idea!

Want a shot at getting your own copy of The Skull ThroneEnter Peat’s fan art contest by February 8th.

The Skull Throne will be released on March 31st in the U.S. with translations to follow. Pre-order the U.S. edition from Random House today.

Posted on January 23, 2015 at 8:00 am by Hannah
Filed under Contests, Fan Art, Fans, Meg, Skull Throne, Skull Throne ARC, ST ARC Contest
1 Comment »

One response to “Skull Throne ARC Contest: The Battle of the Deliverers”

  1. Thanks so much for posting my entry to win a Skull Throne ARC. It’s awesome seeing my work on your site, Facebook, and Goodreads. Also thank you for the chance to win an ARC of The Skull Throne. I can’t wait to read The Skull Throne no matter when I get it!

    Posted by Terence Thomas, on January 25th, 2015 at 3:36 pm