Warded Instruments Winner!

Posted by Karen

Hey everyone! There weren’t as many submissions this week, which means the people who did enter had a high chance of winning. So it goes…

Once again, the selection was random. This week’s winner had a super-creative doozy of a battle plan:

This is going to seem odd, but it just kind of popped in my head. My suggestion would be 2 similar versions of the same type of wooden percussion instrument, xylophone and marimba, where you’ve carved wards into each of the wooden bars.

The marimba is larger and stationary, so I envision it as something you would use in a village/town or set up when making camp. Since it has a lot more notes and can be played by multiple people or as many as 4 mallets by a single person, it could conceivably be used as both an offensive and defensive weapon. Since it has a limited number of bars/notes but portable, I think the xylophone would be purely offensive.

I have a vision of when the note is played you see a holographic representation of the ward either searching out a prospective target or creating a protective barrier around an area. The drawback would be coming up with music to take advantage of the notes. Also, someone would have to play constantly for the marimba to be effective defensively.


Congratulations, Tom! We’ll be contacting you shortly about your prize.

Our next Warded Wednesday is TOMORROW. In the meantime, we’d like to give a shout-out to another talented fan who sent in this creative entry:

Right. So I play an array of instruments but my primary instrument is the flute. I’d engrave different wards into all the flaps so whatever tune I play it would hit the demons with a changing array of blows and attacks (if that’s what I’m going for) or I could play a certain key to focus on a certain demon for example if I engrave a wood demon ward on the d flap then a song in d would affect them more than any other breed. The higher I’d play the stronger the attack.
And since flutes are made partially of silver it might work with charging it with demon magic over night.
If I ever loose my flute I can always sing so I’d make sure I have wards drawn around my throat whenever I go into battle even if I have my flute with me.

Thanks so much to everyone who sent in their submissions! If you have any suggestions for future Warded Wednesday questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below.

You can get your copy of The Warded Man here!

Posted on April 19, 2016 at 8:00 am by Hannah
Filed under Karen, Warded Wednesdays
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