Warded Wednesday: Modern Wards Winner!

Posted by Karen

Hey everyone!

I will never understand what makes people flock to certain contests. That being said, this one was a hit! There were a lot of awesome responses to pick from, but only one gets a prize. Without further ado, here’s the winning entry:

Mosquito wards would be quite useful. I’m pretty sure that explains itself.
Other than that you could use wards for so many things, like a ward that repells the rain in a certian radius, stiched on a hat or hood would make carrying an umbrella unnecessary. If that worked for water as a whole you could proabably create hovercrafts with it or safe people from drowning. If such a ward for fire existed there would be less burned down houses and lives destroyed by fire. -Flying Phoenix

Congratulations! Both these ward ideas are great, though I have to say it was the mosquito ward that really won me over. We’ll be contacting you shortly about your prize.

Our next Warded Wednesday is TOMORROW. Be sure to check it out! In the meantime, there were a bunch of other entries that deserve a look-see:

Durability ward. Lot of wear and other type of items. For a really simple example boots. A durability ward could be applied to all day use items and they could be more durable. Or infinite usage. No broken cups anymore. etc. -Istvan

I would like Wards that allow me to understand any language. From Baby talk to teenage talk. Text Language to Sign Language. Amharic to Zulu. -Purple Fyre

If Wards and Magic were real I would Travel the world and use my skills to help those who can not. I would use The Defensive Human wards to help Victims to feel safe again and teach them how to ward themselves so that no one could touch them with out permission.
I would use Heat/Flame Wards for homeless or low income people so that they can stay warm and not worry about fires or being cold through the night.
I would use Water Wards in third world counties to not only keep people safe from Heat Stroke, but also make sure everyone has access to clean safe water.
I would use the Herbs and Plants that an herb gatherer would use and teach people which ones are safe, so that they have access to basic nutrition and health care.
The Possibilities would be endless, much like today with technology and healthcare, just because we have it does not mean everyone has access to the information. I would make it my life goal to spread Wards and Knowledge as far and wide as possible. -QueenOfThra

I like the idea of drawing or pulling one’s magic into you so you have an idea of what they are thinking and feeling. This would do wonders for couples in need of stronger communication, and possibly assist politicians in seeing points of contention from their opponents perspective (that’s me being hopefull), or rather politicians would use this magic to sway individuals to thier cause.

Tapping in to one’s aura might be a bit too intimate of an act and possibly considered rude, but still, the idea of being able to sypathize with someone is far too tempting. To know what is going through their mind while you speak to them, to feel what they feel as they feel it; it’d be a great way for people of this world to better understand one another. -Adventureless Hero

To be honest, I wish there were wards that worked against children. A ward to silence them when I have a headache, a ward to stop them going hyperactive when we’re shopping..and most importantly? A ward to stop my four year old from trying to jump out of his window because ‘Look mummy, I can fly. ? ‘ I guess that’d be too much to ask though ? How about a ward to keep my coffee hot? I’d also love some wards to give me the ability to read minds, I love the mind wards? -Linz

Thanks so much to everyone who sent in their submissions! If you have any suggestions for future Warded Wednesday questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below.

Aaand, that’s it for signed copies of The Warded Man (at least for now). Tomorrow we’ll be kicking off a new stint of Warded Wednesdays with UK editions of The Skull Throne as prize. Let’s see how it goes, shall we?

You can get your copy of The Warded Man here!

Posted on June 14, 2016 at 8:00 am by Hannah
Filed under Karen, Warded Wednesdays
1 Comment »

One response to “Warded Wednesday: Modern Wards Winner!”

  1. Hey! Thank you so much!!! I could sure use that mosquito ward in Africa next week…

    Posted by Flying_Phoenix, on June 14th, 2016 at 9:49 am