Warded Wednesday: Modern Demons

Posted by Karen

Hey everyone! A couple week ago we had the Modern Wards Giveaway and it got me thinking– If there are new wards, shouldn’t there be new demons too?

This week, there’s no question. Instead, we’re asking you to create a demon that would exist in our world/time.

Have fun with this one! What are the demon’s powers? What does it look like? How does it act? The more creative/specific, the better! You can submit more than one.

Leesha Coplay Aleena 2

The prize for this giveaway is a UK-edition Skull Throne paperback!


The Skull Throne is the latest book in the Demon Cycle series. If you’d like a copy signed by Peat himself, go ahead and enter.

Remember, we can only pick your comment if you respond to our post on the blog. We’re looking forward to your answers.

Giveaway answers will be accepted until Monday. The winner will be announced Tuesday.

You can get your copy of The Desert Spear here!

Posted on July 6, 2016 at 8:00 am by Hannah
Filed under Karen, Warded Wednesdays

7 responses to “Warded Wednesday: Modern Demons”

  1. Asphalt Demon. Pitch Black. Sometimes cold and hard. It loves making holes in roads to cause flat tires and ruin the suspensions in vehicles. Sometimes it is hot and sticky and makes cars overheat or it throws hot sticky pebbles to chip paint and crack windows on the vehicles that run over it.

    Posted by Beverly C, on July 6th, 2016 at 10:36 am
  2. While I think that all of the demons would still exist in our time (since elements still exist)

    A nifty modern demon would be a cyber demon.

    This demon would be close to as knowledgeable as the mind demons since it had the whole power of the internet behind it feeding it’s mind (Tho it’s flaw would be that it believes everything on the internet so occasionally it is wrong thanks to internet trolls πŸ˜‰ )

    This demon would be able to travel via skating through the internet and computers would need their own Cyber-wards to protect people from demons entering their house.

    Hackers would be some of the best warders we have for these creatures as they would be able to destroy them using fighting cyber wards while they were skating thru the web.

    Posted by Melissa Palmer, on July 6th, 2016 at 1:02 pm
  3. I think the best demon for the common era would be an RNCD and DNCD (republican and democratic national convention demon). The main reason I feel this would be the best new demon is because these conventions happen every four year and it’s when politicians really rear their uglies.

    They would have modern dress (suits that are tailored to perfection and ties with prints that want to make you feel all warm inside). These demons could mimic any personality to make you feel like you are being understood or even respected. However, if you disagree with anything they say, spikes come down the center of their spines and thorns come out of their palms, for dangerous high fives and slaps on the back. They would emit a poison from these spikes and that would cause the affected to fall into a trance, agreeing with everything the RNCD would say.
    The demons main power comes from all the negativity and bullpoop any candidates from their tribes spews forth.
    Their only pitfal and only thing to send them back to Nies abyss is for you to praise their prowess and insight.

    Posted by Gregarious, on July 7th, 2016 at 9:43 am
  4. I have another one
    An oil demon. This demon is the epitome of the struggle to find balance between our earth and the need for energy. This demon would be able to morph into any shape, as it is liquid, and common spears and knives would merely slice through the demon. The demon would leave a trace wherever it went, much like a flame demon. It’s power would be to flick it’s ichor onto your skin and it would spread up the person affected appendage, shrivel it, feeding off of the life force and then travel back to the demon to give it more energy. Stuff is real!

    Posted by Gregarious, on July 7th, 2016 at 8:00 pm
  5. If ever a new demon would come around, a shadow demon would be the addition.

    They’re everywhere. They act like the mimic and mind demons but are more of a mime. They inherit one’s shadow to capture their prey. It appears when the sun is out, hiding as a person’s own shadow without knowing. Mimics your every move and once the sun sets and the moon is high up, these shadow demons rise, to consume you in darkness. They’re only ones that could rise up either day or night and take what they can where shadows linger.

    Their appearances can be anything and anyone as they please, they transform constantly that it’s hard to capture their true form.

    Posted by Hannah Mae, on July 7th, 2016 at 10:51 pm
  6. The demon that I think would be a great addition that exists in the modern world would be, shadow demons. Shadows have existed for years and they’re everywhere! Time has awakened their own soul, the Nie using the Prince demons to break their slumber.

    The shadow demons linger during the day, hiding behind objects and humans they see fit. This is also their way to find prey. They inherit the shadow, act like mimic demons and mime your every move. Not knowing a demon follows you. Once the sun sets, the demon rises up and consumes their prey in darkness.

    No one can see their true form, due to the fact that they transform many times. Taking different shapes and sizes they lurk in. They’re the only demons that could rise during either day or night.

    Posted by Hannah Mae, on July 7th, 2016 at 11:01 pm
  7. I love the Cyber and Shadow Demons πŸ™‚
    My choice is a Raddie.
    Name: Nuclear Radiation Demon.
    Dwelling: Near heavily contaminated areas.
    Special abilities: *Absorbs radiation to strengthen its armor and obtain superior speed. Can also stay during the day if charged with enough radiation.
    *Incapacitates its enemies with radiation, allowing it to stockpile prey.
    * 3D hearing.
    Behavior: They hunt alone, and are extremely territorial. Lesser demons keep away from Polluted areas altogether.
    A Raddie may enroach on another Raddies territory, but its a fight to the death.
    Weaknesses: *Weak conventional sight.
    *Electromagnetic Interference Shielding distorts its senses.

    Posted by Khaled, on July 10th, 2016 at 8:08 pm