Interviews: Serbian Interview X2

Posted by Karen

Hey everyone! Peat recently did an exclusive interview with Renata that was put up on two websites–Ljubitelji Fantastike Kostolac:

…and and Od Knjige Do Duse (From Book To Soul).

This is a great interview, and topical considering Peat is heading to Serbia next week for the Belgrade Book Fair!

One of my favorite questions is this one:

Mr. Brett, first of all, thank you very much for your time, and I want to congratulate you on The Core, final book of epic saga. How does it feel now that it has ended?

P.B. It was a little like climbing a mountain. I’ve been working on the Demon Cycle in one form or another since 1999, and it was immensely gratifying to finally reach the summit and see the world spread out before me. I could look back on my path and see all the places I stumbled, the places I wanted to quit, or was convinced I would fall. I am proud in the stubborn resolve that saw me through. The ending was much as I envisioned it all those years ago, and that made the whole journey seem right.

Of course, I had a lot of help along the way. Family and friends, agents, editors, translators and artists, not to mention booksellers and of course my beloved readers. Without their support, I would never have made it to the end.

But now, as I stand at the peak, I can see other mountains in the distance and know there is much more climbing to come.

Thanks so much to Renata for putting together these questions, reaching out to us, and for the wonderful translation. Once again, you can read the interview (in both Serbian and English) at both jubitelji Fantastike Kostolac and Od Knjige Do Duse. Happy reading!

Barren is officially available to purchase! You can grab a copy right here!

Posted on October 23, 2018 at 8:00 am by Hannah
Filed under Fans, Interviews, Karen
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