Still Working

So I’ve had to adjust my work habits slightly now that the Infanta has arrived on her bed of linens and sequins and silk, but never fear, I am still working, albeit more slowly and sleepily. Officially, I am taking a month off from writing while we care for the little bundle of joy. I […]

Filed under: Cassie, Craft, Events, Life, Musings, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB

Made From Love

Cassandra Hope Gero Brett, born 4:35pm, July 23, 2008, 8lbs 6oz, 21.5 inches, with auburn hair and gray eyes.  

Filed under: Cassie, Events, Life, Musings by PeatB


I’ve been trying to catch up on my comics reading lately, and while I haven’t really put too much of a dent in the huge stack of trade paperbacks on my dresser, I’ve made some progress. The stack is good anyway, as it keeps the cats from jumping atop my new dresser and scratching the […]

Filed under: Musings by PeatB

The Hardest Chapter

  Yesterday I finished the Chapter From Hell. There are some chapters that fly by, my fingers a blur as they race across the keys, still not keeping up with my mental dictation. They are crystal clear in my mind’s eye, and take about as long to write as they do to read. Other chapters… […]

Filed under: Craft, Musings, Writing by PeatB

Closing the Place

Why aren’t I drunk? I mean like RIGHT NOW? I should totally get drunk! Why? Because in approximately a week, I’ll be a daddy, and then, the party’s over. It wouldn’t be so bad, except for the fact that I came to the party so late. I was never a hard fast liver, always responsible […]

Filed under: Cassie, Life, Musings by PeatB