
New interview up, this one on the computer gaming blog Grinding to Valhalla. Some of it is the same old same old (though I never cut and paste answers, so they’re always a little different, depending on my mood and level of introspection at the time of writing), but there are also some interesting questions […]

Filed under: Craft, Interviews, Reviews, Writing by PeatB

New Excision:One Arm and the Nightwolves

Added another deleted scene from The Painted/Warded Man on the Excisions page. If you’re new to the site, the Excisions page is where I show scenes that were cut from my work, and discuss the process that led me to write them in the first place, and then later discard them. This scene, entitled One […]

Filed under: Craft, Fans, Interviews, Musings, Writing by PeatB

Desert Spear Update, II

The current draft of The Desert Spear is still with my editors, and I needed a break before diving into The Daylight War, so in addition to updating my website and hand-modeling my cell phone, I’m currently working on another “Arlen: The Lost Years” short story just to keep my mental knife sharp.  The story, […]

Filed under: Craft, Desert Spear, Writing by PeatB