Art by Fans

The fan art just keeps accumulating so Peat wanted me to post some of it, so that everyone can enjoy the awesomeness. The first piece is a little different than usual. Birte actually composed some music inspired by the books. Here are her own words explaining it. About a year ago, I read “The Painted […]

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Desert Spear, Fan Art, Fans, Warded Art, Warded Man by Hannah

The Eyes of the Dragon

My buddy Jay has edited the Stephen King Library Desk Calendar for the past couple of years. It is essentially a weekly planner, but each year’s edition has a theme, original cover, and 52 essays from fans—often publishing pros themselves—discussing how King’s work has influenced them over the years. I have fallen off in the last […]

Filed under: Craft, Musings, My Reviews, Writing by PeatB