Worlds Collide

So this is odd. Some of you may know that before I started writing fantasy professionally, I worked in medical publishing for 10 years. I wore a lot of hats in that career: editor, project manager, copyeditor, proofreader, art director, print production supervisor, vendor manager, and probably a bunch I’m forgetting. One of my regular […]

Filed under: Bookplate, Life, Musings, Warded Art by PeatB

Warded Bookplates

So in addition to all the books coming out and various related excitement, there are a few secret projects I’ve been working on in my not-so-copious spare time. Many of these are still simmering on the back-burner,  in need of seasoning or some serious ingredients, but one just rolled off the artist’s board, so I […]

Filed under: Bookplate, Fans, Warded Art by PeatB