NY ComicCon, Day 3


Day three of ComicCon was kids day, and generally more relaxed, though still a zoo by any sane person’s standards. I was nursing something of a hangover after going to the Del Rey open bar party Saturday night, but I had an appointment to tape a radio interview at 11:30, so I hauled myself out of bed and made my way back into the city.


The interview was with Sohaib Awan from Fictional Frontiers, who, thankfully, was just as hung over as I was, so we were on even ground. My friend Jill took the blurry cameraphone pic of us above. That was kind of how the world looked to me at the time, anyway.

But despite our aching heads, Sohaib and I had a great conversation, and I think I came off sounding reasonably lucid and thoughtful. The questions were targeted well to my material, and brought about some interesting discussion. The interview will probably not air until closer to my pub date (likely March 8), but after that it will be available as a podcast on the internet and I will link to it for all to hear.

Right as we were about to start the interview, though, I saw my Favorite Annoying Teen walk by, and ran over to give her a hug.

Lo and I have been cyber friends for almost 5 years now, since I first started my now-defunct blog on Journalscape. That blog was a home for my thoughts and dreams for three years as I worked on my writing and mused about life. Most of the entries have been imported to this blog, and you can search back through the archives.

But more than just a place for my blog, Journalscape was a community of people, many of whom I got to know quite personally, even though we had never physically met. Lo was one of these, a supporter of my writing long before I had an agent or a book deal, and a friend to lean on and who leaned on me when she needed it. She started and runs my fan club on facebook, too.

It was amazing to finally get to meet her, and we embraced and talked like the old friends we were, despite the fact that we had never before met in person. It was a profound and somewhat surreal experience I won’t soon forget.


Here’s a shot of me and Loey at the con.

nycomiccon2009day3-002a….. nycomiccon2009day3-004a

She initially had a crapass Steel Remains badge, but Joshua got someone to trade with her.

Another cyber-friend I got to meet for the first time was Claire Deslandes, Editrice from my French publisher, Bragelonne. Sadly, I didn’t get a picture with Claire, but she and I have been corresponding for months about the con, and I’m glad she made it all the way out to New York for the experience. Claire was lovely, like all the folks at Bragelonne. I think I would really enjoy working there. Everyone loves their job and seems to share a genuine friendship with each other. Not to mention the fact that just about everyone there is young and gorgeous and gets to work on fantasy all day. Talk about a dream job.

After that I was met by some friends and we walked around the con at a leisurely pace.


From left to right, Denise (texting), Danielle (not my wife) with her Warded Man ARC, and Ursula showing off her WM badge.


It was kids day, so the lovely Alexa Bergin was in attendance to begin her nerd training, along with daddy Matt.


Me and the sexy Baroness from Cobra. GI Joe is on the way to rescue me, but frankly, they can take their time…


As you can see, everyone’s favorite Cobra dominatrix had a Warded Man badge, of course. I have to hand it to her. Not every woman can pull off skin-tight latex. It’s quite demanding. God bless.


My friends Saku and Dave showing off their badges.


Alexa had a lightsaber malfunction in her carriage and almost took out daddy, mistaking him for a Sith.


That’s right. Slave Leia and the tie fighter pilot know where it’s at.

I can’t think of a better end to a more perfect weekend.

Posted on February 14, 2009 at 1:20 am by PeatB
Filed under Events, Interviews, Life, Musings, Reviews, Sales, World Traveler, Writing

4 responses to “NY ComicCon, Day 3”

  1. I’m am really jealous, Peat, looks like you all had a hell of a time – and Danielle and Cassie could be there too! 🙂 The Cons look great, but ComicCon takes it all, must have been incredible even though you and Jay aren’t exactly Con-virgins. 🙂 Great to see you had a great time and looking forward to the Sohaib interview – the guys has done some great stuff! 🙂

    Posted by Dave, on February 14th, 2009 at 9:45 am
  2. Yay, more younglings with lightsabers!

    Thanks for the coverage anyway Peat, it was cool to see the con through someones eyes. I hope someday I might make it out there for myself.

    Posted by DeliriumWartner, on February 15th, 2009 at 6:36 am
  3. I like the kid-in-a-candy-shop pic at the top. Matter of fact, you look like you OWN the candy shop!

    It was great seeing you and Dani last week, and finally getting to meet Cassie. Thanks so much for the hospitality. Let me know when your next London dates are.

    — DW

    Posted by David, on February 15th, 2009 at 6:49 pm
  4. I obviously spend way too much time on my phone!

    Posted by Denise, on February 15th, 2009 at 9:19 pm