Demon Cycle Re-Release

Night, has it been 15 years already? Demon Cycle book 1, The Painted Man, was first published in the UK in late 2008, followed quickly by its American counterpart, The Warded Man, in early 2009. This not-so-little book I had spent the last seven years working on had finally become a real boy. Up until […]

Filed under: Sales, Uncategorized, Warded Art, Warded Man by PeatB
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Desert Prince US Audiobook Update

Hey all. Some readers noticed that the US audiobook for THE DESERT PRINCE, which was briefly on sale earlier this month, ceased to be available, and now shows a pre-order page for an October 12, 2021 release. In response to listener feedback and internal discussions about the original edition, Penguin Random House Audio will be […]

Filed under: Audiobook, Australia, Craft, Desert Prince, Fans, Interviews, Sales, UK, US/Canada, Writing by PeatB

Split Sales

This was originally posted as a thread on twitter, but I figured I’d blow the cobwebs off the blog and collect it here, too. Early in my career, I would get anxiously tied in knots when a bookseller broke embargo (shipped/shelved a book before its on sale date), fearing it was a harbinger of a […]

Filed under: Audiobook, Australia, Craft, Desert Prince, Events, Fans, Interviews, Musings, Rebecca, Sales, UK by PeatB
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Desert Prince Launch Roundup

There’s SO MUCH COOL STUFF going on that even I struggle to keep it all straight as we enter the home stretch before launch of THE DESERT PRINCE, book one of the Nightfall Saga. I’ll sum up as much as I can. Get Signed Books All the info you need to order signed books in […]

Filed under: Appearances, Audiobook, Desert Prince, Events, Fan Art, Fans, Sales by PeatB
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Desert Prince Release Date

At long last, I am excited to announce that THE DESERT PRINCE is with the copyeditor! In production terms, this means there are no structural or editorial changes left to make, just nitpicking over grammar and style, checking of math and timelines, that sort of thing. Sometimes a copyeditor finds a glitch, but it’s never […]

Filed under: Appearances, Audiobook, Australia, Desert Prince, Events, Sales, UK, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB