Goody Bag

Lots going on at the moment. Partially by planning and partially by happenstance, there is currently a flood of new PVB material these days. I am going to try and call some of it out quickly before things pile up overmuch, so I can get back to The Daylight War later this afternoon without a sense panic that my inbox is starting to overflow.

warded_man_mmpb_cover_web_smThe Warded Man MMPB released yesterday, and my while I think my carefully plotted wards all activated properly, the drain on the grid might have affected the weather. The sky was overcast yesterday morning as my agent and I embarked on our quest to sign every book we could find in Manhattan and Brooklyn in a single day, sunup to sundown. I had 200 signed bookplates in my pocket, along with the signing pens my mother gave me a couple of years ago. Joshua had a backpack full of xeroxed press reviews about the book, and paperback samples to give as gifts to any bookstore staff who expressed an interest in reading fantasy to keep or just leave in their break rooms.

We started out in Park Slope Brooklyn at the 7th Avenue Barnes and Noble, where they had eight copies in stock, but they had just arrived, and were not yet shelved. This is one of the main reasons authors should do this sort of thing on release day. There were probably ten stores we visited over the course of the day that had not yet shelved the books.

I want to be clear that this is not the fault of the stores or their employees, at least not at the ground level. In most cases, the books (which the store had ordered months in advance) had been delivered that very day, or just the night before. Stores receive a lot of books in these shipments, and it takes time to inventory and shelve them all. Most stores shelve the bestsellers first (as any smart business should), and in places without a lot of staff, it can take days to get around to a new author like me.

But by coming in and introducing ourselves to the staff, we were not only able to have the books shelved immediately with good facing, but made even more enticing by the “Author signed” stickers now adorning the front. I slipped a signed bookplate into every copy, so that any readers who enjoy the book enough to want to buy The Desert Spear (Free excerpt with that link!) in April will be able to peel off the sticker backing, and, PRESTO! make their new hardcover into a signed book.

From Park Slope we went to another couple of stores in Brooklyn, and then took the subway into Manhattan, starting out on Wall Street at the Borders down there, and then making a zig-zaggy loop up the east side of the island and then going crosstown at the top and zig-zagging back down the west. We visited 20 bookstores in all, and I signed 108 books, plus another half dozen that we gave to store staff, bringing the total up to 114. We met a lot of great, hard working, and friendly store staff & customers, and had fun geeking out about books with them. It was also an opportunity to thank the floor workers for what they do. I used to manage a comic shop, and know how difficult a job retail sellers have. And they usually do it with a cheery smile.

It was a great day, but even after a night’s rest, my feet are still killing me.

Did I mention that the MMPB has an exclusive Desert Spear excerpt not available online at the back?

great_bazaar_cover_thumb2Also in the news is The Great Bazaar. Subterranean Press reports that there are only about 75 copies of the trade version left, and the limited edition is already sold out. It is unlikely these books will last much longer, and there are no plans to go back on press. If you are at all interested, I strongly suggest you order soon. I love that little book dearly, and consider it’s events Canon that give real depth to some of my favorite characters in the series.

Not convinced? Check out what Blood of the Muse has to say about The Great Bazaar.

Desert_Spear_US_web_smLast but not least, there is some more news on The Desert Spear:

Aidan Moher has posted a New Exclusive Desert Spear Excerpt on his blog A Dribble of Ink. I know that people wanted some Arlen/Leesha/Rojer action, so I came through this time around with a delicious appetizer for that. Check it out.

There have also been some great new reviews popping up, now that the release date is looming. The Superfast Reader follows up the interview we did a few weeks ago with this review.

Other glowing reviews appearing, like this one from Library Journal, or:

“…Those willing to give Jardir his due will see him develop depth and perspective that give his inevitable confrontation with Arlen magnitude. This more brutal sequel emphasizes political and romantic intrigue without losing the urgency of the demon war.”


“…Well-drawn characters, fascinating worldbuilding, action and conflict make for an exciting page-turner.”

* * * * 1/2

-Romantic Times

Finally, Recorded Books has announced the upcoming audio book of The Desert Spear, which will again feature the talented narrator Pete Bradbury, whose silken rumble of a voice could charm the panties off a marble statue of Athena. His reading of The Warded Man is available now, and it’s fantastic.

Posted on March 24, 2010 at 2:05 pm by PeatB
Filed under Bookplate, Craft, Desert Spear, Events, Excisions, Fans, Great Bazaar, Interviews, Life, Messenger, Musings, Reviews, Sales, The Daylight War, Warded Man, World Traveler, Writing

9 responses to “Goody Bag”

  1. Hopefully I will be able to find some by the time I go there, either Friday or Saturday… What stores should I visit? =P

    Posted by Ale, on March 24th, 2010 at 2:17 pm
  2. Ale, there are signed books at every Borders or Barnes and Noble from 90th St. in Manhattan down to Park Slope in Brooklyn, in addition to some of the smaller shops like the one in Penn Station.

    B&N tended to order more copies on average, so they are less likely to sell out, but I should be so lucky as to have any of the stores run out by the weekend. 🙂

    Posted by Peat, on March 24th, 2010 at 2:23 pm
  3. You would be the lucky one– Me? Not so much =) And SWEET, cannot wait to pass by. *keen* Thank you so much! ^-^

    Posted by Ale, on March 24th, 2010 at 2:28 pm
  4. OH MY GOODNESS. I loved the excert so much Pete, all doubts I had about too many characters vanished with that one passage, Its the painted man at his best, (spoiler alert) killing demons and the birthing a child, all superheroey, awesomeness, and I loved his reaction when he found out about Jardir, the way he suspected almost instantly, then built it up and up, I can’t wait till those two meet again, it will be epicness. 😀

    Anyway, now ive contained myself, good work, I truly cant wait till I get it in my hands

    Posted by Dave, on March 24th, 2010 at 3:59 pm
  5. So cool. You definitely deserve to rest your feet. 🙂

    Posted by Lizette, on March 24th, 2010 at 4:03 pm
  6. When and Where can I find one of these book plates!? Would love three as that is how many books of yours I have!

    Posted by alekalumnus, on March 24th, 2010 at 5:58 pm
  7. My copy of The Great Bazaar arrived in China today! Very excited to delve into your world again.

    Hopefully when I get to New York at the end of April to get married, I can track down one of your signed books.

    Posted by mikeS, on March 25th, 2010 at 3:42 am
  8. Congratulations on all the great reviews. The book certainly deserves them all.

    Posted by Simcha, on March 25th, 2010 at 6:38 pm
  9. Peat

    I’m a huge T. Brooks fan as he has a brilliant way of drawing me into the story and allowing me to immerse myself into the characters and his world. I have no doubt that you will find your place on the Best Seller list quickly.

    I just finished The Desert Spear, and man what a fantastic story. You tell it so brilliantly. I started reading The Warded Man about a month ago in a state of depression waiting for the release of The Bearere of the Black Staff. I could not put it down. In fact, I read The Warded Man faster then I’ve ever read a book in my life (which still isn’t that impressive as it took me a week.. I’m a slow reader who has to absorb every detail and often read pages several times over to make sure I’m not missing any).

    Of course, when I finished The Warded Man, I was only too happy to find The Desert Spear already available, and was in high hopes that you could match the level of intensity and story in the sequel. And you delivered beyond anything I would’ve expected. In fact, I read it in 3 days, having just finished it only an hour ago. Well done friend. Not only did you provide me with one of the most amazing story lines, but you also enraptured me in the painting of it, and sped the reading along as if by the magic in the story itself.

    I eagerly await The Daylight War! If you are looking for someone to give you some feedback on it, (or if you would find pity on a story starved reader who is now hooked), I would love to have a look at it. Would love an ARC if you are thinking of such things. I have already gotten 3 friends to get TWM and TDS.

    Thank you very much for putting this story to pen. I think one day I will write too, and I hope that I can create as well as you have.


    Posted by Burt Baskett, on July 2nd, 2010 at 3:23 pm