Warded Door

Posted by Meg

This amazing entry to the Warding Contest is a little late, but we just had to share it. Kenneth warded an entire door! Unfortunately, the wards didn’t hold throughout the night and some coreling claws have definitely made their mark.

Here is what Kenneth had to say about his process:

So originally, I wanted to do a Warded door that was covered in wards but i messed it up…on both sides so it became an example of a failed ward just before dawn.

Kenneth WardedDoor Kenneth WardeddoorBW Kenneth FailedWards Kenneth FailedDoor

Awesome job, Kenneth. There has been so much incredible work in this contest. We will be announcing the winner soon!

Posted on March 6, 2014 at 8:00 am by megelizabeth
Filed under Contests, Fan Art, Fans, Meg, Warded Art, Warding Contest
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