
I’ve been thinking about my “rap” about The Painted Man. This is something I need to practice quite a bit as my publication date nears, and I need to become something of a salesman in addition to an author.

I’ve never been good at sales. Or summaries. I’m a long story kind of guy, and concision isn’t my strong point. So when people ask me what my novel is about, I usually stammer for a few minutes, and then I tell them how it’s about demons and magic tattoos and I watch their eyes glaze over as they mentally check out of the conversation and just start nodding politely. Then they make some offhand comment about how that’s not their cup of tea, but it sure sounds interesting.

Another potential reader lost.

But when I think about it, those things aren’t really what the book is ABOUT at all. Like all good books, it is about people, and how they deal with challenges in their life. Whether the challenges are their friends and family, Nazis, demons, or what have you is irrelevant. I need to alter my description to focus on that, which is more inclusive. Whether or not someone normally reads fantasy shouldn’t matter so long as the characters are compelling and the fantasy parts are not confusing to the uninitiated (and I’ve worked very hard to insure that they are not). The stories are less about the actual monsters that come out at night than they are about the changes people must make during the day to survive, and how it alters the way they relate to one another.

I’ve worked hard to create characters who are flawed in ways that readers can relate to, and who are driven forward by those flaws as much as held back.
I think characters who have a lot of past emotional baggage to haul around while they try to deal with their current challenges are more interesting and compelling than heroes who are perfect all the time. THEY are the focus of the stories.

So why do I keep telling people the book is about demons?

Posted on May 11, 2008 at 7:38 am by PeatB
Filed under Craft, Musings, Writing

7 responses to “Rap”

  1. Did D. tell you about my blog entry yesterday? The angle is mighty similar. I read some of everything, and I was asking for recommendations based on my preferences in character development and how the plot moves, not based on genre.

    If I were given your challenge, my first attempt at an answer would be something like “The setting is a world where demons come out at night and etc.etc. The *story* is about how three youths, raised in the fearful society that has evolved, set out and etc. etc.” Forgive me, unfortunately all I know of the actual story is the short blurb I found. Send me an advance copy and I’ll offer a better elevator pitch. 🙂

    Posted by Jon S, on May 11th, 2008 at 10:05 pm
  2. Pete – I agree with yours and Jon’s feeling on the matter. Your strong characters drive the story, which is set in a fantasy world. I think the urge to mention demons is that it stands out against other fantasy books. I once heard Joshua describe your books as “a great fantasy novel without any of the tropes of other fantasy books”(elves, orcs, dragons, etc.)
    Anyway, I whole heartedly agree that your strong characters drive your book, and the fact that you have an interesting take on how magic works. And some baddass demons..

    Posted by Jay, on May 12th, 2008 at 9:50 am
  3. Jon, it’s just a coincidence, though I have read your blog entry since, and it’s a little bizarre that we were thinking along the same lines. Were you also pondering how the Millenium Falcon only goes .5 past light speed but can cross the whole galaxy, but the Enterprise goes like 9 times that fast and is stuck in the Alpha Quadrant?

    Anyway, please no one get me wrong. The demons in my books are indeed badass. I just think the story holds up even if badass monsters aren’t your bag.

    Posted by Peat, on May 12th, 2008 at 10:45 am
  4. You could start out with “Well, my name is Peter V. Brett and I’m here to say. . .”

    Get it? RAP. It’s a rap joke.

    Eh. Ahem.


    Posted by Myke, on May 12th, 2008 at 7:39 pm
  5. Thanks, Grandpa.

    Posted by Peat, on May 12th, 2008 at 8:54 pm
  6. Myke makes me laugh.

    Posted by Denise, on May 13th, 2008 at 8:12 am
  7. Sorry, my telepathic receivers missed the Millennium Falcom / Enterprise communications. <HanSolo>”It’s not my fault!”</HanSolo>

    Myke: Don’t just drop one line like a sucka MC!
    “Yo I’m Peter V. Brett and I’m here to say
    That you’d better only go outside by day
    Cuz at night when the demons come up from the Core
    They’ll turn your ass into a pile of gore.
    They’re Corelings, and you don’t wanna mess with those
    They’re a bunch of invulnerable badass mofos
    But before you all cry and give up hope
    I’ll tell ya bout these three kids, and they be dope!”

    *looks around for someone to pass the mic to, preferably someone who’s read the book*

    *doesn’t quit his day job*

    Posted by Jon S, on May 13th, 2008 at 11:07 pm