Free Realms Plug

Think it’s weird that I’ve made no posts for a week and then do two back to back? Suck it. That’s how we Bretts roll. Just ask Cassie:

So anyway, I get home from WFC, exhausted from 15 hours of travel, and find an e-mail in my inbox from John Smedley. In case you don’t know, John is President of Sony Online Entertainment, which runs EverQuest, which he helped design.

John apparently saw my interview on Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist, and ordered a copy of The Painted Man. He enjoyed it so much he went and read through my blog and then wrote me an e-mail to let me know he liked it and was going to plug it on his blog. He was all blase about who he was, like there was a chance in Hell a nerd like me might not know what EverQuest was. Shit, I know a guy that met a long-term girlfriend playing EQ! The only reason I’m not a total EQ addict myself is that I place draconian restrictions on myself about video games, lest I never get anything else done in my life.

It was a huge honor to have someone that changed the face of the RPGs (role-playing games) that drew me into fantasy in the first place give me some positive feedback, and true to his word, John posted a blog about a new MMORPG Sony is launching called Free Realms (sign up to be a free tester!) and put two paragraphs on me at the end. For no reason. He just liked the book and wanted to give a shout out to a new author trying to get noticed. How fricken’ cool is that? You can see the post here.

Thanks, John!

Posted on November 10, 2008 at 12:17 am by PeatB
Filed under Events, Reviews, Writing
1 Comment »

One response to “Free Realms Plug”

  1. I refuse to admit how much productive time I have wasted on Evercrack and other MMORPGs over the years.

    Suffice to say I could have gotten a LOT more writing done.

    Posted by Myke, on November 10th, 2008 at 8:00 pm