l’Homme Rune

Awesome news out of Paris this week. The Warded Man, AKA The Painted Man, AKA Malowany Czloweik, AKA Das Lied der Dunkelheit, AKA El Hombre Marcado, has a new brother: l’Homme Rune, book 1 of  le Cycle des Demons! L’Homme Rune, the French translation, will be released in France and Belgium (and I think part […]

Filed under: Events, France, Interviews, Sales, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB

Suvudu Chat

As I mentioned last week, I will be doing a live chat on the Del Rey mega-blog Suvudu.com tomorrow, Thursday June 4, at 2PM EST with (Red Wolf Conspiracy) author Robert Redick, moderated by Robert’s editor, Kaitlin Heller (details here). You can send in questions for Robert or myself in advance by e-mailing info@suvudu.com (and […]

Filed under: Contests, Craft, Events, Fans, Interviews, Tech, Writing by PeatB