Ray of Sunshine

It’s been a rough couple of weeks. Even after my jinxed week, there’s been a huge confluence of stressful things in my life. Two weeks of Jury Duty, copyedits to Desert Spear, finishing Brayan’s Gold (my new young Arlen Messenger novelette), closing on my office studio so Cassie can finally get her own room, rush […]

Filed under: Cassie, Contests, Desert Spear, Fan Art, Fans, Germany, Life by PeatB

Word of the Day

Hey all, sorry I’ve been so quiet on the blog lately. In addition to 9 hours a day of jury duty all last week and this, I’ve been proofing 881 pages of Desert Spear copyedits, working on a new Arlen Messenger novellette, trying to close on my new office studio (which I will immediately need […]

Filed under: Desert Spear, Life, Movie, Writing by PeatB


Apologies to my mom for all the cursing in this entry, but it’s been an interesting week. Sunday was the Brooklyn Book Festival, which was pretty fun. The weather was perfect, and the festival drew a  sizable crowd. There were kids activities and cool swag and semi-celebrities like that guy who played Vizzini and Grand […]

Filed under: Appearances, Cassie, Life, Musings by PeatB

No Longer at This Number

I used to work in medical publishing. If I say so myself, I was pretty good at it. I made decent money, and got a merit-based promotion and raise every year without fail for 10 years. Even the year I got laid off because the company I was working for at the time was tanking, […]

Filed under: Life, Musings, Writing by PeatB

Casting Contest Winners

Apologies for taking a while on this one, but judging turned out to be harder than I anticipated. There were a lot of names I didn’t recognize on the casts, and I had to do some research so I could consider them all in fairness. Thankfully, in the age of IMDB, google images, and YouTube, […]

Filed under: Appearances, Contests, Desert Spear, Events, Fans, Movie, Musings by PeatB