More Warded Treasures

Getting closer to having all the Warding Contest entries posted. Should only be one or two more posts after this one. Lauren and I really have our work cut out for us, picking winners, though, so please feel free to vote in the comments section or on facebook. I have several top contenders in mind, but there are only 5 top prizes, and a lot more than five people who deserve them.

First up in this batch are two more photos from Carol in the UK, who continues to ward herself in the most badass way possible. If she ever meets a coreling, she is going to kick its ass all over town:

To Peter and Lauren,

I sent in an entry on the 9th of June and you posted it on your website – thank you.

I have had one of the misc. wards tattooed on my left shoulder since then and have attached the photo’s.

They have all healed now and look wonderful.

Thank you also for the lovely signed bookplate that came in the post.

Enjoy your holiday,
Carol, UK

Dear Peter,

I thought a lot about the contest. Since I have no weapons at home, I couldn’t ward them. So I chose to try out some wards to see in the dark to at least be warned if there are corelings in my way. It actually worked pretty good and I watched them every night to learn how they act.

After some days, as I was just marking very important passages in very important papers for university I had another idea. I took my favorite green pen and warded it. So if a coreling ever gets into my home I can throw some pens at it in order to shock it and then stab it with another one. I combined some cutting wards with fire and lightning wards (as I observed they share this place with only very few other corelings here) and on the tip there are some piercing wards.

I’m thinking of pens against other sorts of corelings but I didn’t want to send you the pictures too late.

Hope you like it

Maria, Germany

P.S. I really want to thank you for the bookplate, I actually got it just today!! I’m very happy about it 😀

Dear Peter,

Ive been following your peephole for a while now so i finally decided to enter one of your competitions, i was sitting in class one day when my photography teacher told us we had to pick our own project and i thought of this competition so I grabbed a camera and took a photo of a friend and than photoshopped some wards onto it. hope you like it.

from Anthony, Australia

ps. thanks for the bookplate 😉

I was worried that three days wouldn’t be enough time, but I worked my butt off and came up with this painted wooden chest.

Good luck choosing the winners!

Kim, Canada

***Spoiler Alert****

This next email has some Desert Spear spoilers, so you might want to skip the text if you haven’t read that book yet.  If you have, read away, because Andreea from Romania is awesome:

Hello, dear Peter and Lauren!

It is a pleasure to participate in your contest, because I am a huge fan of the books. For the last week I have been spending my time trying to become one with Renna, one of your book’s most interesting characters. I warded myself, armed with a knife and a necklace, and went into the woods to take a few shots. I imagined the scene when Renna is up in a tree, preparing herself to attack a coreling, and I really wanted to take a photo of myself somewhat in the same position. Sadly, the forest where I took the photos had only incredibly tall trees, so I couldn’t find any tree good enough to climb in 🙁 So I had to stick to plainly posing in the grass :))

I have sent 2 of the shots, one of them depicting Renna in the night, with her warded cloak, preparing herself to attack the woodie hidden behind her, between the trees, while the other shot is meant to show her in the day, practicing sharusahk and her knife combat skills.

Most of the wards from the photos were drawn on myself, but I also added some of them digitally afterwards.

I really hope you enjoyed watching my entries. I wish you both a great week, and I dare say I can’t wait to read what happens next with my favorite characters.Best of luck to all of the participants.

Hugs and kisses,

Andreea, Romania

In addition to her incredible entries above, Andreea also created a fantastic set of ward brushes for photoshop and posted them to deviant art. Something to keep in mind if I have another contest…

Posted on July 3, 2010 at 1:54 pm by PeatB
Filed under Contests, Craft, Fan Art, Fans, Warded Art

3 responses to “More Warded Treasures”

  1. I don’t envy you and Lauren, your decision on the most worthy is going to be hard, perhaps casting stones will help (I do like that entry ;).

    Posted by Brendon, on July 3rd, 2010 at 2:10 pm
  2. Wow, Peter, it is an honor to appear on your site, amongst other awesome contest entries. I would also like to send you a huge THANK YOU for allowing me to keep those Photoshop brushes on my deviantart stock account. I frankly didn’t imagine you and Lauren to both be okay with it, and I was prepared to remove them permanently from my account. Oh, and by the way, I’m still amazed by the way you found me on facebook and on deviantart and knew I was one and the same person :))

    Thank you once again, and I wish you a great, inspiring week!


    Andreea Cozariuc

    Posted by Andreea, on July 5th, 2010 at 6:55 am
  3. Oh, and by the way, an other contest would be brilliant 😀

    Posted by Andreea, on July 5th, 2010 at 6:59 am