More Sexy Inevera Cosplay

The most incredible thing about this entry is that when I met Lizette (who kicked serious ass in the Desert Spear ARC Contest) in person at a signing just a year ago, she was 5 months pregnant with her third son, and she lit up the room even then.

Hi Peat-

Here we go again eh? So, I’ve been thinking and thinking how to pull off an Inevera outfit without it being inappropriate and I think we did a pretty good job. A lot of the images look alike because 1) we had to take these pictures at 2 AM (all 3 boys are asleep!) 2) they had to be done indoor because I don’t think I can pull this outfit off outside without being cited with an ‘indecent exposure’ fine and 3) we have to work in quick spurts before one of the boys wakes up and asks us what we’re doing….”Mama, why is Baba (Dad) taking pictures of you like this?” or even worse…them talking to their teachers about them catching Daddy taking pictures of Mama ‘dressed up.’ LOL.

Anyway, off to my explanation.:)

I chose some poses with the pouch filled with my demon bones (aka- black warded beans) on the outside of my robe so you could actually see it. I know, I know, not accurate, but you would not have been able to know it was there any other way. I also pulled the warded curved knife out for the same reason. I am wearing a scarf around my head in some shots because Jardir did not see Inevera’s face before he was married…so that’s that. I also included some images of what I imagine her looking like when she’s reading the demon bones for Jardir when they first meet….take note that I even put down a white sheet so ‘my white robe would not get soiled with dirt.’ Hmm, what else? I needed to include our skull in the image…wish I could make it a flaming skull…time constraints remember? I have a really conceited/mean look on my face a lot of times…I was trying to go for the “I’m Dama’ting, I’m better than you….oh yeah, I’m also Inevera with a capital I”- look. I hope you like it!

Take care-

Lizette and Khaled

ps- you choose which picture you prefer to display!

I choose to display all sixteen of them:

Posted on August 1, 2011 at 12:01 am by PeatB
Filed under Contests, Cosplay, Craft, Desert Spear, Fan Art, Fans, Warded Art

4 responses to “More Sexy Inevera Cosplay”

  1. What a beautiful woman! You make a great Inevera.

    Posted by Margherita, on August 1st, 2011 at 12:26 am
  2. *these. “..these pictures…” arg. Nothing like sending an email at 3 AM to make me ripe for mistakes. Anyway, thanks Margherita! Xoxo

    Posted by Lizette, on August 1st, 2011 at 3:39 pm
  3. I fixed your typo, Lizette. No worries. I do that all the time.

    You may not be so thankful to Margherita when you see her entry. You both really brought it.

    Posted by Peat, on August 1st, 2011 at 6:17 pm
  4. No way Peat! I think she ROCKED IT! Margherita is AWESOME! The things I would do with more time, le sigh. Her pictures are amazing, truly a pleasure to see. 🙂 All in the name of art, fun, and Fantasy!

    Posted by Lizette, on August 3rd, 2011 at 3:10 am