Red Sonja: Blue eBook

Red Sonja: Blue is now on sale as an eComic on Comixology. I know the print books sold out fast and denied a lot of people a chance to read the comic, so I am thrilled to have it in another more accessible format. Plus, at $1.99, it’s a steal over the $4.99 print book. […]

Filed under: Pimpage, Red Sonja, Sales, Writing by PeatB

Polish Brayan’s Gold Art

My Polish publisher, Fabryka Slow, has released their translation of The Great Bazaar and Brayan’s Gold, along with an amazing original cover and fabulous interior art by Dominik Broniek, who did the illustrations for the other books in the series. Fabryka posted some samples on their website, so I have included them to share the […]

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Craft, Great Bazaar, Poland, Sales, Warded Art, Writing by PeatB
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Cosplay Prizes and Succor Contest

So after what feels like forever, I finally have almost all the prizes for the Cosplay Contest Winners in order. And by “winners”, I mean everyone who entered because they are all awesome. The Grand Prize, an original painting by Lauren K. Cannon inspired by Margherita in her Inevera costume with her face painted in, is […]

Filed under: Australia, Contests, Cosplay, Craft, Czech, Daylight War, Desert Spear, Events, Fan Art, Fans, France, Germany, Messenger, Poland, Portugal, Rebecca, Succor, Warded Art, Warded Man by PeatB