Bathroom Demons

Posted by Meg

Here is a second entry from Spencer. This one has a bit more of a humorous twist. You can check out Spencer’s first entry here.

Traveling with the Warded Man was a safe journey for those lost along the roads; they didn’t lack for food or safety. That is, as long as they followed his rules. As the small family huddled in the warded circle, they waited for the mysterious man who enjoyed running around naked save for his small clothes, hoping, praying that he would survive the night. For they knew that local preachers had said that nothing could harm him, and he was the key to them pushing the core out of their world. They hadn’t seen any corelings in quite some time for where the Warded Man was evil seemed to dissipate.

“Momma,” said the little boy, no more than a handful of years old, in his urgent voice. “I need to go potty or I’ll pee the bed.”

“Ok sweetheart, go back near the edge of the circle and try and to make it stay inside of the barrier. He said not to let anything go outside of it.”

Timidly, the little boy pulled back his blankets and jumped up running towards the edge, holding himself as if to contain his bodily fluids. As he grew closer to his destination, he realized it wasn’t just his little bladder that was full. Not wanting to upset the legendary man with the stench of his bowels, he, with great caution, dropped his clothes and shoved his little white butt out of the boundary circle to relieve his cramping belly. After finishing his business, the little boy sprinted back to the comfort of his mother’s side to try and return to sleep.

Slowly the gathering mist began to swirl around the moist ground just on the edge of the protection. Arising from the ground a new group of corelings began to form though no one had noticed, at least not anyone human. Twilight Dancer began to stamp at the ground in his circle away from the rest; it could see the new corelings, and his instincts were flaring to protect the little family. With all his vocal power, he began to whinny, calling for his master to return. The sound of the Warded Man’s horse woke the little family and forced them to their feet. In the dying embers of the fire, they could see what had formed on the edge of the circle, a group of two different corelings.

One of the corelings was slightly larger than the rest being about the size of a small child’s hand. Its form being like nothing they had ever seen; short, slightly rounded, peaked towards the top and bottom, crevasses in random areas all around it, and a slight steam rising off it into the brisk morning air. The much smaller pack of four corelings looked nearly as if it was some sort of family member of a water demon, but much smaller and glowing a slight yellowish hue.

Staring down at this group of corelings, the father began to rise and look more closely at them. “Do not worry, the Warded Man is known as the best warder there is. They won’t make it through,” he said, as if to re-assure himself.

Gathering his family in tight to him, they stared at these strange corelings. It didn’t take long for the father to be proven wrong, gingerly the first corbeling started to glide himself past the boundary of the warded circle and into the circle of protection. Seeing that the first coreling had made it through the other ones eagerly jumped right through and ran towards the family.

Reaching one of his arm towards one of the burning logs the father used the other to push his family back behind himself. With some luck he was able to find a log big enough to hold out in front of him but not so large that he needed two hands to control it. He frantically waved the log at the corelings, yelling at them to stay away from his family. “ You can’t have them you damnable creatures,” he bellowed.

The largest of the group advanced towards him unafraid of the burning wood, he was drunk on the anticipation of the kill. With great strength the father struck the first coreling, lifting it into the air. He had hit it but with the part that wasn’t on fire, he had aimed a little too far and the demon had absorbed the hit by shifting that part of his body as if to absorb the impact. Not wanting to repeat his past mistake he shoved the fire straight at the little coreling, to his great delight it lit up on fire. Now on fire, a horrendous smell drifted off the coreling in great wisps.

Running at full speed, the Warded Man jumped into action to smash out the other four corelings. Not fearing for what they were, he flowed into battle. It didn’t take him long to dispatch them with little effort for he knew of their relationship to water demons; it was much easier to know how best to fight.

“What were those ones,” asked the mother. “I’ve never seen ones like that before.”

“Well based of size, color and smell I would say one of you didn’t follow my rules. Do your business in the hole by the edge of the boundary I had told you, not do it outside. Those were a shit coreling and a small group of pisser corelings. They aren’t much to fight. But we will have to move our camp because the smell will become overwhelming.”

Thanks to Spencer for submitting this second entry! Do you have a ridiculous or unique coreling breed no one has discovered yet? Go ahead and submit to the Create Your Own Coreling Contest by 11:59pm on May 18, 2012. For more details, check out the rules here.

Posted on May 9, 2012 at 8:00 am by megelizabeth
Filed under Contests, Create a Coreling, Daylight War, Desert Spear, Fan Art, Fans, Meg, Warded Man
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