#SFFWRTCHT Interview Tonight at 9pm EST

Posted by Meg

Tonight, Peat will be live on #SFFWRTCHT (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer’s Chat) on Twitter, hosted by Bryan Thomas Schmidt. He will be answering questions about fantasy, the book business and his writing. It’s really easy to participate. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to #sffwrtcht on Twitter at 9pm EST tonight (that’s June 13, 2012).
  2. Follow along with the conversation! Peat will be answering questions from the host and from Twitter users. But you don’t have to have a Twitter account to read the interview.
  3. Have a question you want to ask? Make sure you are signed into your Twitter account (or create one here if you haven’t already).
  4. Type your question in tweet form with the hashtag #sffwrtcht. Also make sure you direct your question to Peat (@PVBrett). Here is a sample tweet: @PVBrett What makes you so awesome? #sffwrtcht
  5. Wait for your reply on the #sffwrtcht page or your own Twitter Feed.

Want more details? Check out the initial #SFFWRTCHT post.

Posted on June 13, 2012 at 8:00 am by megelizabeth
Filed under Appearances, Daylight War, Desert Spear, Events, Fans, Meg, Warded Man
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