German Demon Cycle Giveaway!

Posted by Meg

As you may know from our earlier post, Peat’s headed to Germany this summer. He will be at the Otherland Bookshop in Berlin at 8:00pm on August 20, 2012 doing a reading and signing for all his German fans. You can check out the bookstore’s official page on the event and RSVP on Facebook  here.

So we thought we’d celebrate by giving away the German version of The Demon Cycle. Books will be signed and personalized!

We would love to hear more about book culture over in Germany. So German fans, this is all you. Give us a little taste of what it’s like to be a German fantasy and speculative fiction reader. Answer the question below to win your very signed copy of the complete German collection of Peat’s work:

What is your favorite bookstore or place to read in Germany?

Please put your answers in the comments section below. You will have a week to enter, and the winner will be chosen at random. Don’t forget to RSVP to the Otherland Bookshop Reading and Signing on Facebook.

Viel Gluck!

Posted on August 3, 2012 at 8:00 am by megelizabeth
Filed under Appearances, Contests, Desert Spear, Events, Fans, Germany, Meg, Warded Man

13 responses to “German Demon Cycle Giveaway!”

  1. I don´t have one single favorite place to read in germany it depends on the time of the day 🙂
    Cause If I had the chance I would read all day long !

    Early morning while going to work : In the train
    While Working : On my workstation (stuff for my thesis)
    After work hours : If I have time off: ideally, it’s on the shore of Lake with my dog on my lap, otherwise if I´m not able to go there, I do enjoy the little places I find to read such as when waiting in a queue (or even while walking home from the train station). If I should choose my favorite bookstore, it would be “Mayersche” in Essen because they have plenty seating accommodations, a piano, art exhibitions and a starbucks in it. I love the big chairs in starbucks and the smell of coffee all over the bookstore (My favorite tiny bookstore closed a while ago – there is a tendency that only the biggest Booksstores survive in the RheinRuhrArea).
    Late at night: I love to read wrapped up in a blanket in bed – where else 🙂 ?

    Posted by Tamara K, on August 3rd, 2012 at 8:30 am
  2. There are lots of good bookstores in Germany. My favorite closed about a year ago. It was a very cozy little, one-of-a-kind store in our small town. It was run by a femaly and the people there really knew their book!! You could take any book from the shelf (no matter which genre, but in my case mostly fantasy) and ask “Is this good?” and they’d tell you straight away why it was worth reading and whether they thought you would like it or not (as they knew me as a customer from an early age on). It was there that I bought “Das Flüstern der Nacht” after my A-levels as a treat.
    I love reading everywhere: In the bath, at the table during meals, on the train, in the bus, in seminars when the professors aren’t interesing enough, out in the garden, up in the attic, sitting halfway outside on the roof, in bed during the dead hours of the night with a torch in my hand, scaring my bird every now and then when the light flashes over to his cage, and sometimes I even read in a tree, lying on a branch high up, away from all the world, surrounded by forest and the occasional bird that flies by, astonished that there is human company found so high up. I have a special tree in the forest near oour house. It is very hard to get up there, because there are no branches untill about 2 and a half metres from the ground, but one that is slightly bent down, so one has to use it like a rope to climb up untill a few more branches start further up, and after that it isn’t much easier because the branches are very thick and far apart, so I have to jump several times if I want to reach my reading place. Noone ever walks by, and if they did, they wouldn’t see me. After that climb, a book is the perfect reward. This is where I read those books like “the painted man” and “the song of ice and fire”, “Lord of the Rings” and the occasional Shakespeare, when I’m in the mood or pressed by university duty.
    Reading is the kind of occupation, that can transport you anywhere, no matter where you are, no matter which country or part of the earth, it takes you on a journey every time you lose yourself in the black and white pages. Thanks to all authors who make this possible!

    Posted by Flying_Phoenix, on August 3rd, 2012 at 4:46 pm
  3. Hi Peat,

    Posted by Florian, on August 4th, 2012 at 4:11 am
  4. some how WordPress wont let me post a larger comment (or show it at least) anyone knows why?

    Posted by Florian, on August 4th, 2012 at 4:28 am
  5. Hi Peat,

    I for myself tend to read a lot on my way to work, on the bus or the subway mainly. when i am at home i sit in one of those big chairs one knows from the old hollywood movies (the really big, cozy ones). i inherited that from my grandfather, may he rest in peace.

    So far wish you all the best and see you soon.

    Posted by Florian, on August 4th, 2012 at 4:30 am
  6. Hi Peat,

    i am very happy to hear, that you will visit our great little city of berlin.
    Since i am living in berlin i will make sure to stop by and say hello.
    The Otherland bookshop is a great place to be. they are specialised in fantasy &scifi literature. the staff there is real nice and helpful. they know their turf very well, and almost everyone there works either as a author, translator or publisher, you will have a great time, promise.
    Will you bring your brave little princess around?
    As Tamara already said, we have a few major players in the german book culture. Mainly branches like “Hugendubel”, “Thalia” and “Mayersche”. Those are pretty big bookshops (usually around 1000 qm2+)
    with build in seating accomodations and build in coffeeshops (like starbucks, wolrdcoffee etc).
    Those bookshops tend to attract a lot of people but they sell almost only bestsellers.
    I for myself love to visit owner-operated bookshops, like the otherland for example. i have made the experience, that the booksellers there know the books much better and can give you great recommendations. also i like to chat with them.
    Right know there are big changes happening in the german bookindustry. bigger shops closing (because the arent profitable anymore), ebook on the march, lots of people buying online, which kind of makes it hard for the local stores in the cities.
    But enough of that for now 😉 if you want to know more maybe we can talk on the 20th of August?!
    I for myself tend to read a lot on my way to work, on the bus or the subway mainly. when i am at home i sit in one of those big chairs one knows from the old hollywood movies (the really big, cozy ones). i inherited that from my grandfather, may he rest in peace.

    So far wish you all the best and see you soon.

    Posted by Florian, on August 4th, 2012 at 4:31 am
  7. My most favorite book store is the “Stern Verlag” in Düsseldorf. It has about four floors, several corners for reading and a small cafe. I pretty enjoy strolling around and having a look on all kinds of books, classic literature, fantasy, non-fiction and manga/comics.

    I don’t have a favorite place to read; but the place where I mostly read is in the train. Yeah and sometimes it happens that I almost miss to leave the train at my station because I’m too deep in my reading and desperately want to finish the page! 😀

    Posted by Firyar, on August 4th, 2012 at 9:40 am
  8. Hey Peat & Meg,

    looking forward to the 20th. I´ll be there! I´ll be coming from Hannover where there actually is a place called “fantasy-in”. It´s a shop that deals only in SciFi and fantasy books and games. (For the other readers: They also have an internet shop and mail it to you). I just discovered it, because I have moved here only two months ago, but I really like it. They have German and english editions, which is cool.

    Other than that I use amazon (although discovering stuff is better in a physical store, I think) and I basically read anywhere. I always have a book with me, because you never know when you might have a coupl e of idle minutes for some reading. Lately I try out eBooks. I´ve been skeptical, but it´s actually alright, even though I still prefer the feel of a physical book. I begun, however, because it was the only way to get “The Great Bazaar & Brayan´s Gold” in english without selling a kidney. 🙂 So there you go, you´ve been the incentive to enter the world of digital books.

    See you in Berlin, I hope you´ll have lots of fun here,

    all the best,


    Posted by Christoph, on August 5th, 2012 at 1:52 am
  9. Sorry for the double postings, somehow wordpress screwed up…

    Posted by Florian, on August 5th, 2012 at 4:55 am
  10. Ok, I’ll try again here…

    My favorite place to read depends on the book and the weather. Mostly, I sit on the sofa in the living room or in my deck chair outside in the garden. During winter time, I cuddle in my bed, under a huge blanket to protect me against the cold and the dark. Or monsters.

    As for the demon cylce, it turns out that all three books’ dates of publication in Germany have coincided with my annual long weekend in a spa. So I have best memories of Arlen fighting demons with the soft smell of chlorine and the sound of bubbling water in the background. I can also recommend reading Peter’s book in the sauna, where it’s hot like hell and gloomy like a den. Nevertheless, the story gives lots of cold shivers!

    You just should leave your book on the deckchaire when taking a steam bath. Somehow the paper does not appreciate the steam. I had to replace my copy of “The warded man” after I tried that. 😉

    Greetings from Leipzig area, Germany, & thank you, Pete, for the wonderful world of demons. Can’t wait for “Dailight War”!

    Posted by Cendriya, on August 6th, 2012 at 8:22 am
  11. *cough* I do not want to be the Troll who is the first to bring this up but anyway.
    The week is over and i would like to know if a winner has been picked and informed?

    Posted by Florian, on August 15th, 2012 at 9:23 am
  12. Hi All!

    Sorry for the delay in posting!

    The winner for this giveaway is Cendriya! Congrats! Cendriya, check your inbox soon for more info!

    Thanks everyone who entered. Peat has left the States and is excited to meet everyone in Berlin!

    Posted by megelizabeth, on August 16th, 2012 at 9:20 pm
  13. Congratulations Cendriya!
    I bet they will look fantastic on your bookshelf 😉

    Posted by Florian, on August 17th, 2012 at 12:32 pm