Craft & Publishing Questions Answered

Posted by Meg

Peat gets a lot of questions about writing and publishing from aspiring writers. Which makes sense. After all, Peat has been through the process multiple times and is currently editing The Daylight War for its February 4, 2013 publication.

So, when you feel stuck or need a little kick in the butt, check out these blog posts by Peat for advice and encouragement on all things writerly:

Peat’s writing and technique is heavily inspired from the book Writing to Sell by Scott Meredith. Check out these two blog posts that explain why the book helped Peat put his writing career in motion.

A lot of folks have been asking how to start their fantasy novel. They might have a pretty realized world in place or a kick ass magic system … but where does it all begin? What troupes should fantasy writers avoid? And which ones will kickstart your epic series? Peat’s blog post explores beginnings and the time tested techniques he used in The Warded Man.

So you’ve got your beginning … what now? As you may already know, Peat is big on outlining when working on a novel. This can be a lifesaver when you are working with multiple main characters and multiple books.

And then there is getting your manuscript published, and the overwhelming fear of rejection. Peat, and just about every writer in every genre, will tell you they’ve been rejected before. So why are you so scared?

There you have it. Check back for more posts on writing, creativity and publishing. But for now, get writing!

Peat will be traveling this month with an August 17 stop at Blackwell’s in London with Myke Cole and Joe Abercrombie. On August 20th, he will be doing a reading at the Otherland Bookshop in Berlin. To round things off, he will be the author guest of honor at this year’s Pol Con from August 23-26 in Wroclaw, Poland.

Posted on August 17, 2012 at 8:00 am by megelizabeth
Filed under Appearances, Craft, Daylight War, Desert Spear, Events, Fans, Meg, Warded Man, Writing
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