Graphic Audio: The Great Bazaar Now On-Sale!

Posted by Meg

It’s been an exciting week so far over at Graphic Audio. On Monday, Brayan’s Gold was released at a sale price. Tuesday EVERYTHING in the Demon Cycle series was 20% off. And today, The Great Bazaar is now on sale at a reduced price!

GB GA Cover

To celebrate this exciting week of new releases and sale prices, Peat answer three of Graphic Audio’s questions. Check it out the interview here.

And take a listen to the sample of Graphic Audio’s amazing production of The Great Bazaar. These are no ordinary audiobooks, but full cast productions with music and sound effects.

Posted on April 2, 2014 at 8:00 am by megelizabeth
Filed under Brayan's Gold, Daylight War, Desert Spear, Fans, Graphic Audio, Great Bazaar, Warded Man
1 Comment »

One response to “Graphic Audio: The Great Bazaar Now On-Sale!”

  1. Peter,

    Huge fan here! I have bought all the graphic audio books on your series. I have a question that has been bugging me ever since it started in the graphic audio books. When you wrote your novels, did you intend for your characters in the book, mainly Arlen and the others from the Hollow, to sound like country redneck hillbillies in the Graphic Audio books? For me the accents used in the audio books really really make the characters sound ignorant. In the first book Arlen did not sound like this, especially when he was in Kraisa. He sounded awesome, now in the audio books they just sounds aweful. So are they suppose to sound like this?


    Posted by Chris, on April 2nd, 2014 at 10:58 am