Warded Wednesday: Next Deliverer Winner!

Posted by Karen

Hey everyone! This was a really interesting week comments-wise. It was pretty cool to see the theories floating around (some more likely than others).

Before announcing anything, I’d like to say something real quick. When choosing comments, I’ll usually try to keep the selections spoiler-free. Just something to keep in mind.

Got it? Great.

Once again, the winner was chosen randomly:

It would have to be Leesha – she has been in the series since the beginning and her character has grown incredibly – flaws and all.
She is just a woman, not special or amazing, but she is kind and good and would sacrifice herself for the greater good. -Clare

Congratulations, Clare! We’ll be contacting you shortly about your prize.

Our next Warded Wednesday is TOMORROW. In the meantime, we’d like to give a shout-out to some other intriguing entries:

I would say the next deliverer is Leeshas child.
Both nations mixed even genders in the child.
That we could call true unity for people.
Just need to train the child both in body and mind.

Fun plot twist as option 2:

What about a traitorous mind demon?
Minds can manipulate people and hide in darkness.
Killing both actual deliverers and take place betraying its own kin too. Would be hell of a ride. -Istvan

Leesha’s child, born of both North and South with their best (and worst) traits and being of “one” tribe like Jadir. As part of Hollow county that could unite the north and Krasia that could re-unite the south. -Tom

Abban. Amidst all the chaos, he’s the one who can unite everyone – via trade. At the end of the day, everyone needs the basics, food, water, shelter. Abban knows his plans and will exceedingly provide for all coming to him.

Maybe even barter a trade with The Core. Because that’s what he does, and nobody better at striking deals than him.
Obviously the most underrated character ever! -Adarsh

I say Abban, because think about it, both deliverers have been good at fighting, both have killed many demons, Abban can’t do that, he cant fight, he’d need to travel the world and inspire people with his words alone. -Thomas

Interesting, interesting. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Thanks so much to everyone who sent in their submissions! If you have any suggestions for future Warded Wednesday questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below.

You can get your copy of The Warded Man here!

Posted on May 10, 2016 at 8:00 am by Hannah
Filed under Karen, Warded Wednesdays
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