Baby Arlen– Birth Sugar

Posted by Karen

Hey everyone! A new deliverer was born.

Specifically, Stijn & Annelies welcomed their wonderful son Arlen into the world on September 3rd, 2016. In addition to the name, the little kiddos was also given a mini Demon Cycle celebration.

In some places, there’s a tradition where people give presents to all the people (family, friends, colleagues, etc.) who come to visit the child. Stijn & Annelies called it ‘Birth Sugar’, which is just about the sweetest name for it I can think of.

They made boxes and small paper bags filled with sweets. They were all decorated with a small wooden disk and all these small disks were engraved with Arlen’s name and a ward. Altogether, they used 26 different wards. Talk about a day’s work!!


The big wooden plate in the back was also engraved with Arlen’s name along with the ward assigned to him (the Prophecy ward), and the three wards they chose for his three godfathers (direction, defense and healing).

This is an awesome tradition and they pulled it off brilliantly. We’re sending all our congratulations to Stijn & Annelies. With a name like Arlen, he’s sure to make his parents proud.

You can get your copy of The Skull Throne here!

Posted on December 1, 2016 at 8:00 am by Hannah
Filed under Fans, Karen
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