Warding Mini-Contest Submissions For Days

Posted by Karen

Hey everyone! Okay, Peat has seen all the entries and is now in the process of making a decision. Our plan is to get it up by tomorrow, so be on the lookout for it.

In the meantime, we’ve still got some entries to show off, so check them out:

Adrienne Phillips sent in some pics of those warded bibs and the blanket she made for Peat’s own warded child:

Helena Pinheiro warded a minion:

Here’s my pride and joy, protected by wards ?… One must protect what really matters ?.

Trevor Heap warded the essentials:

A couple of pics of my warded laptop & pool cue case. Can’t wait to read the finale, gonna be AWESOME

Rhs Horton sent in this gorgeous warded tablet:

Beautifully drawn wind & water wards to protect Tara Newby’s home against the oncoming storm: 

Depending on how well I drew my wards, I might not have power or cell service for a bit to check the results. Thanks for giving me a bit of fun after I finished prepping my house for Hurricane Irma.

Bryan’s entry made us laugh:

Hey, Peat, here is my (crudely) warded Stormtrooper helmet with a confusion ward. Perhaps that’s why they can’t hit anything.

Jonathan F.’s sent in an artsy pic of his warded book collection:

I have no art skills whatsoever but tried warding a protection ward on the glass in front of my Demon Cycle books, took an ‘Arty’ filter photo, just wanted to say how much I love the books, hoping to go to Forbidden Planet in London for signing to thank you for the stories, they’re a gift.

Remember how Arlen warded his horse? Antony W. took a page from Arlen’s book by warding a different sort of mighty steed:

My daughter is learning to drive!!! I love her to bits but she will bring destruction a coreling couldn’t match. So a defensive ward may be in order!! On second thoughts I should probably carve it into every panel of the car.

Kasia Smalara warded their bike helmet:

Today, I participated in Skoda Bike Challenge in Pozna? and I decided to upgrade my bicycle helmet with some extra protection. I added some healing and mending wards in case I found myself in need of healing and mending, and some Mind Demon wards so that I wouldn’t get mind-tricked and go the wrong way. I felt super safe wearing a warded helmet!

Here are the photos of me right before the start of the challenge and of what the wards look like 🙂

Keno sent in a handmade and hand-warded miniature of Arlen:

this is a miniature paper figure of Arlen I created and warded myself.

Susan F. sent in a warded playhouse!

Submission for the warding mini-contest – protecting the barn and stable!

Mitchell Norton warded his gloves for ultimate demon-punching.

When you have to train to get ready for those demons! First picture is the main one. The #2 is one that happened on accident with the camera but I thought it looked badass and you would like it.

Chelsea Dotson warded their writing notebook:

I’ve warded the mini notebook in which I’ve written the outline for the fantasy novel I’ve just started.

Patrick Stephens warded their hospital mask for protections against demons and germs:

Slow day at the hospital so I warded my N95 Mask.

Kristina Bunnell secretly getting her groove on in stormwind. I feel compelled to mention that Kristina named the image file ‘getting jiggy’, which was absolutely perfect:

My love and I getting jiggy in stormwind to celebrate the upcoming release of The Core. Had to cast an unsight ward so no one sees how bad we dance…

Mike Nonas ‘Warded’ a lunchbox:

I think I understood the contest.

…and Csanson warded their bookshelf:

I warded my bookshelf. Unfortunately warded man is out on loan and not In the picture..

Thanks so much to everyone who took part in the Warding Mini-Contest. Everyone’s entries were so amazing, I really don’t know how Peat is going to pick winners. 

Posted on September 16, 2017 at 8:00 am by Hannah
Filed under Contests, Fan Art, Fans, Karen, The Core, Warded Art
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