Split Sales

This was originally posted as a thread on twitter, but I figured I’d blow the cobwebs off the blog and collect it here, too. Early in my career, I would get anxiously tied in knots when a bookseller broke embargo (shipped/shelved a book before its on sale date), fearing it was a harbinger of a […]

Filed under: Audiobook, Australia, Craft, Desert Prince, Events, Fans, Interviews, Musings, Rebecca, Sales, UK by PeatB
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Desert Prince Launch Roundup

There’s SO MUCH COOL STUFF going on that even I struggle to keep it all straight as we enter the home stretch before launch of THE DESERT PRINCE, book one of the Nightfall Saga. I’ll sum up as much as I can. Get Signed Books All the info you need to order signed books in […]

Filed under: Appearances, Audiobook, Desert Prince, Events, Fan Art, Fans, Sales by PeatB
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Desert Prince Release Date

At long last, I am excited to announce that THE DESERT PRINCE is with the copyeditor! In production terms, this means there are no structural or editorial changes left to make, just nitpicking over grammar and style, checking of math and timelines, that sort of thing. Sometimes a copyeditor finds a glitch, but it’s never […]

Filed under: Appearances, Audiobook, Australia, Desert Prince, Events, Sales, UK, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB

Drinklings “Booze and Schmooze” 2019

Posted by Karen Hey everyone! You’re officially invited to a party. In 2011, Peat and six of his closest allies started http://www.Drinklings.com, a social club for scifi and fantasy professionals located in New York City. Since then, Drinklings has grown tremendously. This year we’re extending invitations to the public. Our annual charity holiday party is […]

Filed under: Appearances, Events, Karen by Hannah
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Peat at NYCC 2019!

Posted by Karen Hey everyone! Yesterday, New York Comic Con 2019 opened it’s doors to hundreds of all kinds of fans, but for all the Demon Cycle fans out in NYC, we have a couple things for you to check out! Friday, October 4 from 4:00-4:45pm, Del Rey Booth #2205 Signing FREE Demon Cycle Posters! […]

Filed under: Appearances, Karen by Hannah
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