Leesha & Twilight Dancer

Posted by Meg Back in 2010, Peat held the very awesome Homemade Heroes contest. Super fan, Yelie, won second prize with her amazing Leesha Barbie. She also creature a beautiful Twilight Dancer at a mini-campsite. She recently sent Peat Leesha and Twilight Dancer. Check ’em out! Leesha Warded Cloak Twilight Dancer If you haven’t picked […]

Filed under: Contests, Daylight War, Desert Spear, Fan Art, Fans, Homemade Heroes, Meg by megelizabeth

Sonja Blue Cosplay

Holy crap. Someone actually did a Red Sonja: Blue entry in the Cosplay Contest (ends Monday, August 1!). This is so awesome, and from Homemade Heroes winner Mia, no less: Hello. Just when you thought you got rid of me… When I read about the cosplay, I thought about it more as a what-would-I-do-if-I-could-sew kind […]

Filed under: Contests, Cosplay, Craft, Fan Art, Fans, Homemade Heroes, Red Sonja by PeatB
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Mia the Amazing

Now there are different levels of fans. There is the fan that read a book once or twice and would recommend it to a friend if they are asked. There are those who know all the trivia and the instant you mention a book they jump on it and don’t let go like a rather […]

Filed under: Contests, Craft, Daylight War, Desert Spear, Fan Art, Fans, Homemade Heroes, Rebecca, The Daylight War, Warded Art, Warded Man by Hannah

Nerds in Training

Sorry for the lack of blog updates lately. After a great weekend in Detroit for ConFusion, I was hammered from all sides this past week with promotional work for upcoming book launches (Desert Spear paperback, novellas, etc.), and some other awesome things I’m not yet at liberty to discuss. Plus lots of work on The […]

Filed under: Appearances, Cassie, Contests, Craft, Desert Spear, Events, Fan Art, Fans, Great Bazaar, Homemade Heroes, Life, Messenger, Movie, The Daylight War, Warded Art, Warded Man, Writing by PeatB

Jedi Council

The Brett clan went out to Queens today to see clan Francopulos. My buddy Jay is my evil twin, or more appropriately, the Chewbacca to my Han. The Anakin to my Obi Wan. We have been trusted wingmen at many an SF convention deep in enemy lands. I love going to Jay’s house. It is […]

Filed under: Cassie, Contests, Craft, Desert Spear, Fan Art, Homemade Heroes, Life, Warded Art by PeatB