Goody Bag

Lots going on at the moment. Partially by planning and partially by happenstance, there is currently a flood of new PVB material these days. I am going to try and call some of it out quickly before things pile up overmuch, so I can get back to The Daylight War later this afternoon without a […]

Filed under: Bookplate, Craft, Desert Spear, Events, Excisions, Fans, Great Bazaar, Interviews, Life, Messenger, Musings, Reviews, Sales, The Daylight War, Warded Man, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB

The Source

As you loyal readers know, I’ve been all about the Messenger these days, as he (sometimes she) has been bringing me an endless stream of awesome books. It’s one of the great ironies of life that in HS and college when I had nothing but free time to read, I was broke and had to […]

Filed under: Desert Spear, Messenger, Reading, Reviews, Writing by PeatB


First off, a few bits of good Messenger news: 1) My US publisher, Del Rey Books, sent me an e-mail on Friday that they had received copies of The Desert Spear from the printer, and they look awesome. I am bouncing in my seat to see my samples on Monday.After three years of writing/editing and […]

Filed under: Contests, Craft, Desert Spear, Fans, Great Bazaar, Interviews, Messenger, Reviews, Writing by PeatB

Saturday Delivery

So my friend Jen was having a 1st birthday party for her daughter today (happy birthday, Zoe!). We had to drive out to Westchester, and spent the morning running around trying to get ready and get the baby ready, and plan for traffic and wrap gifts and whatnot. Typical family day. Dani and I usually […]

Filed under: Great Bazaar, Messenger by PeatB

The Messenger Rode In…

And brought me a box of presents: That’s right, The Warded Man is finally going to hit mass-market paperback in the US, just in time to whet appetites for The Desert Spear. If you’ve been on the fence about shelling out for the hardback, or just want the awesome new cover, the MMPB goes on […]

Filed under: Contests, Messenger, Reading, Sales by PeatB