Nerdy Dad Fu

Now that the tour is over, I’ve been spending a lot more time with Cassie. She’s nearly five now, reading quite fluidly, though she is frequently frustrated with hard to pronounce words. “Just keep practicing,” I tell her. “You can get better at anything, if you practice it.” She’s growing as a listener, too, handling […]

Filed under: Cassie, Craft, Musings by PeatB

King of Thorns Review

Since I am an author, Amazon has decided that any reviews I post are by their very nature biased, and has opted to remove such reviews. My opinion is further corrupted by the fact that I know many authors personally, sharing publishers with more than a few (especially after the Penguin/Random House merger), and see […]

Filed under: Craft, Musings, My Reviews by PeatB

The Daylight War is Finished

Yesterday, Sept. 17, 2012, I sent my publishers the final draft of The Daylight War. The book is currently scheduled for worldwide English language launch the week of February 11, 2013 (Monday the 11th in the UK, Tuesday the 12th in the US*). The German translation will likely be the first to follow (probably a […]

Filed under: Appearances, Australia, Craft, Daylight War, Desert Spear, Events, Fans, Germany, Life, Musings, Poland, Red Sonja, Sales, The Daylight War, Warded Man, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB

Always my Birthday

Hey everyone, Peat here (for once). I feel bad that I don’t post (or answer reader mail) as much as I’d like to anymore. Meg and I work out the blog topics together and I read every piece of reader email, even if she is the one who answers it, but there are only so […]

Filed under: Brayan's Gold, Contests, Daylight War, Fans, Great Bazaar, Life, Meg, Messenger, Mudboy, Musings, My Reviews, Pimpage, Reading, The Daylight War, Writing by PeatB

Daddy Win: Movie Theater Achievement Unlocked!

Yesterday, I took Cassie to see her first movie in a theater. Cass is a pretty laid back kid, not given to screaming, meltdowns, or other histrionics, but I’ve still been nervous about taking a <4 year old into a theater. Up until now, I didn’t think she had the attention span to sit through […]

Filed under: Cassie, Life, Musings, Pimpage by PeatB