The Messenger Rode In…

And brought me a box of presents: That’s right, The Warded Man is finally going to hit mass-market paperback in the US, just in time to whet appetites for The Desert Spear. If you’ve been on the fence about shelling out for the hardback, or just want the awesome new cover, the MMPB goes on […]

Filed under: Contests, Messenger, Reading, Sales by PeatB

Treasure in the Mail

The postal service has been good to me this week. One of the things about being an author that I’m still coming to terms with is all the awesome books I get for free, often in advance of their on-sale dates. Some of these are my own work, and that’s to be expected, but my […]

Filed under: Bookplate, Life, Musings, Reading, Sales, Warded Art by PeatB

A Note on Book Reviews

I don’t review many books on the Peephole these days. Part of that is a kind of professional awkwardness. When I was blogging in obscurity, I could say whatever I wanted about a book. Say it fucking sucked, speak ill of the author’s mother, whatever. Alternately, I could gush about how awesome it was like […]

Filed under: Craft, Interviews, Musings, My Reviews, Reading, Reviews, Writing by PeatB