The Great eBook Bazaar

This post is a long time in coming, and while it may be a blip on the radar to a lot of folks, it represents a huge leap for me. The Great Bazaar is now available as an eBook from Subterranean Press! As you may know, TGB is the small, limited edition novella I published […]

Filed under: Craft, Events, Great Bazaar, Interviews, Musings, Pimpage, Sales, Tech, Warded Man, Writing by PeatB

I Should Be Writing

I really should, but I am blogging instead, which doesn’t really count. I am going to do a write-up of Worldcon one of these days. I keep meaning to, but IRL has been getting in the way since I got back from Australia, and most of my non-family time has been spent catching up on […]

Filed under: Australia, Craft, Interviews, Tech, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB
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The Dark Side

As someone just commented on my last post, I am going to the Dark Side. It’s not enough that Cassie’s snores sound like Vader, but now I am converting quickly to Apple products after a lifetime as a PC. I may even get an iMac or something when my 5 year old HP desktop finally […]

Filed under: Life, Musings, Tech, Writing by PeatB


I am still using the iPad to write, and it is getting better. As I predicted, Documents to Go updated their app recently, and it fixed a lot of the glitches, including the biggest one, which is the arrow key glitch on the wireless keyboard. Synching is easy, and it has yet to screw up […]

Filed under: Life, Musings, Tech, Writing by PeatB

Transcript of My Web-chat With Terry Brooks

Peter V. Brett & Terry Brooks

Filed under: Appearances, Australia, Craft, Desert Spear, Events, Fans, Interviews, Pimpage, Reading, Sales, Tech, The Daylight War, Warded Man, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB