Interview City

I hit something of a snag while writing The Desert Spear last week. It wasn’t writer’s block, because that is a myth and an excuse. It was more… writer’s clog. I reached the climax of the storyline for two and a half of the the book’s 6 main POV characters, and realized that the scene as it was written in my stepsheet no longer worked smoothly.

This is normal, and not something to be worried about in the long run, but it tends to grind things to a halt while I take some time to mull the problem over and massage out the clog. This is usually when I turn to other projects so I can still feel like I’m working.

And that’s exactly what I did. In addition to the sudden surge in Peephole posts, a number of interview requests had piled up in my inbox over the last couple of weeks while I was writing up a storm, so I got started on those. By the time I finished them, I had mentally worked out all the kinks in TDS and was back to writing.

Part of me is angry at myself for not making my writing quota last week (blogging and interviews don’t count, or else I would have made it three times over), even though I WAS actively working on the story, just not writing prose. It’s funny how we choose to punish ourselves for not exceeding our own standards.

Anyway, two of the interviews I wrote are already up. Take a look:

Fantasy Book Critic is doing a 2008 Review/2009 Preview, wherein various authors, many with names FAR bigger than mine, give their take on the books they themselves read in 2008, as well as what we’re looking forward to in 2009. We work a few plugs of our own work, as well, naturally. It was a lot of fun to go back through my (somewhat meager this year, since we had the baby) 2008 reading list, as well as ponder upcoming goodies. I’ve really been enjoying other authors’ reviews as well.

Also, I had a nice back-and-forth with Mihai at Dark Wolf’s Fantasy Reviews. He had some great questions, and I got to disccuss some of my thoughts on writing and the fantasy genre, and talk about how they applied to my own work. You can read the full interview here.

Posted on December 15, 2008 at 12:18 pm by PeatB
Filed under Craft, Interviews, Writing
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