Back in Print, Baby!

Sometimes in life, you have mixed feelings. A good example from my own life is the day my daughter was born. It was, in many ways, both the best and worst day of my life. I say worst, because I was frantic, and terrified, and hadn’t slept, and there were complications that scared the Core out of me.

On the other hand, I got this out of the deal, so despite all, it was totally worth it, and to spare:

So in a similar fashion, I had mixed feelings a couple of weeks ago, when I noticed The Painted Man was out of stock on, and my agent called the publisher, only to discover that their warehouse was empty, too. The books had sold out.

On one hand, I was like, “I wrote a book and it sold out? Are you fucking kidding me? That is the greatest thing EVAH!” I even did a little dance, and made “Peter is sold out” my facebook status.

But then, all of a sudden, the flip side hits me. It’s Christmas shopping time, and the book is sold out. No one can buy it. My Amazon and Bookscan sales ranks plummeted. People started complaining they couldn’t find it, and there was nothing I could do. That sucked.

But no more! Just got word that Voyager has gone back on press and fresh copies are on their way to the Amazon warehouse and other vendors as I write this! It’s a fantastic feeling to have done so well for Voyager. They took a real chance on me as a debut author, and it’s incredibly gratifying to have been able to show that their trust wasn’t in vain.

In addition to the more obvious awesomeness of this news, it also excites me as a collector, because a second printing makes those first edition hardbacks just a little more precious.

I made “Peter is second printed” my facebook status the other day, and my friend Kim had an interesting comment on that. She said:

Congratulations! Makes me think that this is one of those cases where “second” is definitely better than the first. And being “second printed” has to be the best “second” anything. Better than being “second place” or “sloppy seconds”…though perhaps not quite as good as being at “second base.” Or the second law of thermodynamics. That’s a pretty awesome law.

I agree that the second law of theromdynamics is awesome, but it is also kind of depressing, as it deal with entropy and loss. Second printing is giving something back to the universe, which is much more upbeat. As for second base, it depends on whether you’re talking sports or snogging.

Anyway, that’s all neither here nor there. What you should take away from this is Buy The Painted Man! It’s back in stock throughout the United Kingdom, and Books are Great Gifts!

Posted on December 12, 2008 at 6:12 pm by PeatB
Filed under Sales, Writing

6 responses to “Back in Print, Baby!”

  1. Hey man, congrats on the second run! I finished your book a few weeks ago and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it. I love it when I can actually chat to authors, usually so remote from their fans. So yeah, great book and I’m very much looking forward to many more!


    Posted by DeliriumWartner, on December 12th, 2008 at 7:07 pm
  2. Hi Peat,
    Wow, congrats on this!!! 🙂
    Can’t wait to pick up this book when I’m in England at the end of the month!!!

    Posted by Joel, on December 13th, 2008 at 3:38 am
  3. Peter:

    This is great news in an age where books are supposedly dying. Indeed, your book is a hot commodity: I have even gone so far as to attempt to order it from the UK, since I live in America and it won’t be coming out until March here. And since I live in America, where the economy has tanked, affecting my work hours, the cost of importing it to America is just out of the question. I wanted to toss my laptop across the room when I made that discovery. Of course, my laptop contains my novel-in-progress. That just would not do, eh?

    I have been curious about your novel since I heard of it. After reading the first chapter, I have been chomping at the bit to get it, one way or the other. perhaps in 2009 I will be able to import a UK copy. Because I am NOT waiting until arch, damn it.

    Congrats, man.

    Posted by christopher mac, on December 15th, 2008 at 1:07 am
  4. Hey Peat, is it just me or does Cassie get even cuter? :-)I love her expression, it’s almost as if she’s saying, ‘Okay, Dad, I’ll humour you for another photo.” 🙂

    Onto the second printing: that is wonderful! :-)Okay, been following it on Facebook, but still, awesome news! Let’s hope delivery times are good – The Painted Man will be invading many homes this Christmas! 🙂

    Posted by Dave, on December 15th, 2008 at 1:16 am
  5. Hey Christopher,

    I should be encouraging all Americans to come out and show support of my US launch in March and make sure it’s a good one, but if you just can’t wait, there is a secret option. The internet bookseller Book Depository has The Painted Man in stock at around 25% off the cover price, and they offer FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE.


    Posted by PeatB, on December 15th, 2008 at 11:26 am
  6. It’s wonderful news that you’re getting a second printing, BUT, that’s the cutest picture of my granddaughter. Can’t wait to see her again.

    Posted by Dolores Brett, on December 16th, 2008 at 1:13 am