
If you are a returning viewer, you may have noticed that the website looks just a little bit… awesomer than it did the last time you saw it. This has been a project many months in preparation, and my webmaster and very good friend Dave Wenk did a fantastic job of making it happen. The design is sleeker and hopefully more user-friendly, there is now a deleted scenes blog (listed as “Excisions“) which I will be adding to regularly, more info on the News page, and a few other bells and whistles.

But the best upgrade of all, which you the viewer don’t get to see, is that I can control the entire site now, which means I can update any and every page whenever I want (before I could only update the Peephole Blog Page). This means I can add content whenever the whim takes me, or the baby has me up at 3am anyway. Over the next few days/weeks, you will be seeing a LOT of new material added, as I begin to add all the new content that has been accumulating as I awaited the launch of the upgraded site. Many of those changes will be focused on the News page, which will also house a growing list of links to interviews I’ve done for various websites, and dozens of book reviews.

Please excuse the few things that we’re still working on over the next few days (like the pictures on the Creations and Character pages, which don’t expand when you click on them). They should all be back to normal soon.

Cheers to Dave Wenk for putting this all together. If you’re in the British Isles and want to see some of the beauty of the countryside off the beaten path, go on one of his walking tours from London at English Country Walks. I’ve been on two of his walks, and it’s always an amazing experience. Check out some of the fantastic photos on his site if you don’t believe me.

Posted on January 8, 2009 at 8:35 pm by PeatB
Filed under Cassie, Craft, Events, Interviews, Life, Musings, Reviews, Sales, Uncategorized, World Traveler, Writing

7 responses to “Upgrade”

  1. LOVE the changes to the website!! I Hadn’t had a to browse in a while and i really enjoyed the the Polish promo (AWESOME!!!), the video interview and just about every second of the Australian interview. (I wanted to claw my eyes out when you talked about Cassie sleeping through the night. Can you blame me?)

    Good work!!


    Posted by Amelia D'Entrone, on January 8th, 2009 at 9:30 pm
  2. Oh, Amelia darling, your jealousy can end. Now that Luca is sleeping well, Cassie has decided that life begins at 1am. Sometimes 2. Add that to my pumping at 4:30, the cat howling at 5 and Cassie waking between 7 and 8, and I’m feeling your pain.

    But yes, the website looks great!

    Posted by dani, on January 8th, 2009 at 9:50 pm
  3. I enjoyed the deleted scenes, particularly the first one. I hadn’t picked up from the book that Arlen was a thrillseeker, only that he felt stifled and trapped, so it was interesting to have that perspective on him.

    One thing about the new design of the website — I find the lack of contrast between the grey type and the black background hard on the eyes. Maybe it’s just my crappy eyes, but they feel strained after only about ten minutes poking around here. If other people have this problem too it could deter potential readers from really enjoying all the site has to offer.

    Content-wise, it’s looking great, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of your “excisions”.

    Posted by Marina, on January 8th, 2009 at 11:37 pm
  4. Yeah, Marina, making the text bigger and whiter is high on the list of fixes.

    Some of my favorite excisions are still to come.

    Posted by Peat, on January 9th, 2009 at 9:57 am
  5. I’ve just tweaked the stylesheet to make the text a bit brighter. Should be an improvement …

    Posted by David, on January 9th, 2009 at 10:02 am
  6. Nice! I’m looking forward to poking around.

    Ah, Dani, my daughter is going through the same thing with Muffin. She got him on a semi-schedule, then poof! He decided he wanted to change that to something that suited him better and led to more sleep deprivation. As a Noni, I can only sit back and smile. (In sympathy, of course! Heh. It’s called “Mother’s Revenge”, and your day will come.)

    Site looks great. Congrats!

    Posted by netta, on January 9th, 2009 at 10:09 pm
  7. The deleted scenes are wonderful additions to the published story. A real treat for fans. I can’t wait for more!

    Posted by Jon S, on January 14th, 2009 at 2:08 am