Sale Alert! French Demon Cycle Promotion!

Posted by Karen

Hey everyone! I’ve got some super exciting news for you today!

Our French publishers, Bragelonne, are hosting a huge sale for the Demon Cycle series!  Right now you can get all 5 books in the main Demon Cycle series in French, plus Great Bazaar & Brayan’s Gold, for just 19.99€.

We’ve run the numbers and that’s 19.99€ for over three thousands pages of content! That’s awesome! You can follow this link to get in on this sale while it lasts!

Barren is officially available! You can grab a copy right here!

Posted on July 2, 2019 at 8:00 am by Hannah
Filed under Brayan's Gold, Daylight War, Desert Spear, France, Great Bazaar, Karen, Sales, The Core, The Daylight War, Warded Man
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