Homemade Heroes Contest?

Haven’t seen one of these in a while. Henry in Australia sent in a DSAC entry yesterday. It is sweet: Peter, I know I’m way too late for the competition, but I only found out about it the other day while checking out when your new book was to be released in Australia.  My partner […]

Filed under: Contests, Desert Spear, Fan Art, Fans, Homemade Heroes, Musings, Warded Art, Warded Man by PeatB

London Times!

A little photo journey through this morning’s London Times: Words fail to express what this means to me. I spent 3.5 years and literally thousands of hours suffering over The Desert Spear. There were many times I thought it was impossible to get the book I envisioned down on paper, and I did much of […]

Filed under: Appearances, Desert Spear, Events, Fans, Life, Reviews, Sales, World Traveler, Writing by PeatB

Overseas Messenger

I was sad. Everyone was getting a UK copy of The Desert Spear but me. I asked my editor why, and she looked into it and saw that they had accidentally been send by mule train over the Bering Strait. Quick as you please, she had two copies send DHL: I can’t tell you how […]

Filed under: Desert Spear, Messenger, Reviews by PeatB

I Don’t Know What This Kid is Saying…

…but he’s talking about my book:

Filed under: Germany, Reviews, Warded Man by PeatB