Glass Heroes

Homemade Hero entries are starting to trickle in, and they have been worth the wait. There are still a few weeks left to enter before Thanksgiving, but already the bar has been set quite high. Check out this amazing entry by Justine Glass, who you may recall was one of the winners of the Warding Contest. She is ready to test for her Warding Guild license:

Hello again!

Well I’ve gotta say that this has been one of the funnest, most time consuming, projects I’ve undertaken in a long while….and probably one I will never do again! The two characters I chose were an obvious choice but my favorites from the series: Arlen and Jardir.

Ok so let me explain a little about what went into making these little dudes. First off I purchased a few Mighty Muggs from my local toy store and got to work cleaning and priming them with white plastic adhering spray paint. After three or so coats I was left with a blank surface to work with. The process of priming, sketching, painting, coloring, sculpting and sealing took about a week for each character. Arlen was the hardest because of his wards and because my sharpie and prisma markers wouldn’t adhere to the spray paint. I decided to give Arlen his infamous black robe which was hand-stitched out of heavy polyester fabric. I tell yah I’ve never sewn before but I now have an immense respect for people who do it professionally!

Jardir was my favorite piece to paint, sculpt and seal because I was able to mess around with his face a little and draw him as I imagined him from the book. His robes were the hardest part because brush paint looked to cheep and I don’t have access to an airbrush gun. So I improvised and used white charcoal pencil and a flat gray prisma marker to get the fabric-like effect. It worked out beautifully. His helmet/crown is made from sculpty clay with the turban sewn directly onto the rim. The veil is a separate piece with can be removed or positioned as seen fit. I added a button to the back for a better hold.

All-in-all I must say I love how they turned out and I hope you do to!


Justine Glass

Posted on November 2, 2010 at 10:48 am by PeatB
Filed under Contests, Craft, Desert Spear, Fan Art, Fans, Homemade Heroes, Warded Art, Warded Man

3 responses to “Glass Heroes”

  1. Man, these things are killer! This will be hard to top.

    Posted by Erzberger, on November 2nd, 2010 at 11:13 am
  2. Definitely hard to contend with that!

    Posted by Arthur, on November 2nd, 2010 at 2:55 pm
  3. Totally awesome 🙂
    Unfortunately I wont be able to enter the contest anyway 🙁

    Posted by Marken4, on November 5th, 2010 at 7:02 am